Chapter 70

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I pop a French fry in my mouth as I thank Ricky for the food. It was much better than the hospital food and it made me much more motivated to eat.

"So," Ricky says with a smile, "what do you think we should do considering the fact that we have all of this time?"

"Go to school?" I say jokingly.

"I can bring in board games or something. I mean, it won't be that long. You seem perfectly fine."

"I don't know about that."

"What? Do you not feel well or something?"

"No, I'm fine. It's not that, I just feel like I shouldn't have woken up the way I did."

"What do you mean? You woke up and you're here."

"I don't know bubz. Just forget about it."

I continue to eat, making sure I don't spill anything while Ricky just zones out, hardly touching his food.

"What's going through your mind?" I ask.


"You're clearly thinking about something."

"No," he chuckles, "I'm just making some plans on what we're going to do once we get out, except Y'know." His face sorta drops, "go to school."

"What's wrong with school?"

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong with school."

"Then why do you seem upset?"

"I'm not upset."

I raise a brow as he forces a smile.

"You aren't upset?" I ask.

"Nope. Not upset."

"Alright fine. I believe you."

I grab my phone and notice some messages.

Darling McHarlings🥳

The bitch is awake!?

Yup. It's..unbelievable.

The bitch is indeed awake. Hey McHarlings.

God, I've already booked my flight.
I'm coming soon babe!!😭

We've missed you. We ALL booked
flights Neen. We're coming soon.

You guys already booked flights? I woke
up 2 nights ago and you guys are already

The audacity of you to be mad at us.

I'm not mad😂 I'm just surprised.

Well, we're coming. Gina and Red
can't though since they already saw
you guys.

Oh well, guess we need to celebrate
without them.

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