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Hey, it's Clear Rock here! I'm here to speak my confessions on this book and how I've been feeling.

I absolutely love writing this book and your comments. I see you guys spamming your feelings and I just melt, laugh, and complain with you guys and I've built this WattPad family and I love each and every one of you guys.

This book literally hit 127k reads and I'm just fucking star struck. I see new people literally reading from chapter 1 to my current chapter all in 1 day and I've never been happier.

I have absolutely no intent to stop writing with this family btw😂

Most of my readers have a HSMTMTS books themselves and though I don't vote and comment (which I really should, I'm genuinely sorry heh) I end up comparing my writing to theirs, I don't copy of course though. I compare them and realize that my writing will never be as good as theirs. I look at some of the best rini/hsmtmts books and think...mine doesn't have that..mine doesn't do that..maybe that's why it isn't as likable as this one and I constantly do it.

My book is different I guess and I don't know if it's a good thing. I literally take these long ass breaks from posting just to end up posting a 1000-1200 word chapter while writers post 1500-3000 word chapters once every day and I just feel so much guilt.

Their books are better and I'm going to constantly tell myself that because it is true.

But I think I just need to accept the fact that different can be good for the different and unique people.
My book is a mystery and is full of surprises using characters that have an amazing fan base and I think that's great. I constantly want to add new things to it.
I do want to know your guys thought on this book and I'm not gonna lie..there's probably going to be merely 90 chapters because my chapters are so short😂

I also have some RINI/ HSMTMTS Book recommendations because..these are fire🔥

i don't not love you. By hsmtmtsjolivia
Seeing you again. By fnsoystories
A new friend. By ILoveCookie3
The tip jar. By ourmoonlight_
Rini one shots. By belleinthisworld
The light. By Megreaders

Also..well..not to self promote but like..
Broken Thoughts Broken Hearts
written by yours truely

2 Pilot Chapters are Released to see if you guys like it

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2 Pilot Chapters are Released to see if you guys like it.

I'm so dumb for self promoting my lord😂

I hope you guys didn't worry, I was just saying some stuff I really wanted to get out.
I hope you guys enjoy your day or night!

I hope you guys enjoy your day or night!-CR❤️

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