Chapter 71

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1 Week Later
"I'm leaving!" Nini immediately says as I enter the hospital room. "I've been discharged!"

"Wait what?!" I ask, closing the door. "Really!?"

"Yeah." She says with a grand smile on her face. "I'm out of this hell hole! I just need to take my shower and change. Can you wait for me?"

"I-..yeah. Of course." She holds her clothes and begin heading towards the door, but I quickly grab her arm. "What do you want to do? Everyone's flying in today and I don't think they expected you to be up and out like this."

"Well, we could all go to The Park like old times. Just text them Rick." I nod and plant a kiss on her forehead.

"Okay. Will do."

"I'll be back soon, cool?" She asks with a smile.

"No rush lov-..Nini. There's no rush." I respond.

She gives me a quick peck before leaving the room.

*Flash Forward*
I don't care. You shouldn't care Ricky. You're going to be a father. Nini doesn't need to be involved in your fucking bull shit. She has the perfect life. She's is perfect life. The perfect human being that deserves more than what I have to offer.

As I get into the car, I couldn't help but hit the steering wheel, over and over..and over again. My hand keeps going, hitting the leather wheel, not caring about any pain I was enduring.

It was over, and over, and over, and over again. Hit this, hit that, get weird looks from people passing by, hit that again. Hit until you realize your mistake was for the better. Hit this again.

It was for the better. The fucking better. She won't find you again. You won't regret it later, just keep going.

"FUCK!" I shout, finally stopping. I rest my head on the wheel I just abused and breathe heavily. "fuck.."

I put my head up and forcefully lean back into my chair.

"Fuck man.." I say softly.

I reluctantly take my car out of park and begin backing out, putting on my seatbelt.

"What the fuck am I doing? Stop for fucks sakes." I tell myself.

I grip the steering wheel as I make my way to the Salt Lake Metro Jail.

*soon to be Flashback*
"Why do you look sad?" Skye asks as I pick up the phone.

"I did my plan..that's all." I answer. "How have you been?"

"Well, I'm a 9 month pregnant girl in jail. I'm not feeling the safest right now Richard." She raises a brow. "You never told me your plan. What was it?"

"It doesn't matter. You don't have to worry about it."

"I'm not worrying about it, I want to know about it. You clearly did something you didn't like."

I sigh and rub my temple.

"I let go of Nini. I never told her about us and I just..sent her off."

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