Chapter 9

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Out of the dorm, I stop before locking it since I know that when Ricky sleeps, he sleeps for a while and doesn't get up until he is fully satisfied. I take out the key and begin making my way down the hall and eventually outside.
   Now thinking about it, I genuinely need a quicker and smarter way to get to my classes and other places on campus. I clearly won't be able to drive any vehicles so I don't really have many options. Everything has escalated so fast now that I'm thinking about it. I mean it was only yesterday that I saw Ricky, who I haven't seen for 3 years, and then acts totally normal as if we have been friends for years. Honestly, everything about him is just...different, and I can't tell if I like it or not.
I arrive at the Library and find an empty desk to plant myself in for the next hour. Eventually finding one, I sit down and take my laptop out of my backpack and begin doing my work.
It wasn't until 30 minutes later I get a phone call. I decide to pick my phone up, not evening caring it was a no caller ID.
"Hello?" I ask, putting the phone up to my ear. There was no response at first except a large sigh.
"...Hey...Ni..." he finally responds.
"EJ?" I say, lifting both of my hands off of my laptop. "'d you get my number..?!"
"I..found some ways but that's not really important right now. I just wanted to let you know that East High is putting on their sec-"
"Yeah I know." I cut off sternly, "and honestly, the best thing I could possibly do is not go."
"Nini, it's n-"
"Don't call me again EJ. It's disturbing for the most part." I say, hanging up.
   It was hard for me to regain focus. I haven't seen EJ sin-...for a while it and it would've been better if he hadn't crossed my mind considering how much I desperately needed to focus.
    After 10 minutes, I give up and take all my stuff before leaving and going back to the dorms.

    I'm still half asleep when I hear the key get inserted in door, causing me to groan in frustration. I flip over to my side which I soon regret when the sun begins beaming down through the window.
    "Your still there? Ricky. How did you not get enough sleep last night?" She says, putting her backpack down before sitting back down at the same sport she had sat down before.
    "I don't know." I manage to say. "I literally cannot get up. My body won't fucking let me get up."
    "Will your body allow you to turn towards me?" 
    I slowly turn onto my other side where I meet Nini's face.
    "Oh!" She shouts in a shocked and scared manor. "Ricky oh my god. You have raccoon eyes. What is wrong with you?"
    I try touching my face but my body doesn't cooperate.
    "I probably just caught something on the flight." I say quietly, closing my eyes.
   "It's too early in the year to get sick. It's the second day and with the way you look, it's going to be likely that you wont be getting up any time soon."
    "I just need a couple more hours of sleep." I moan.
"Ricky it's 1. I'm not sure if you noticed, but this...this isn't healthy."
"Just let me sleep for a bit." I argue.
I hear her sigh as she gets up.
"Fine, but let me sleep on the floor tonight. You can actually get some sleep on the bed."
"No. I'm fine here. Just close the curtains and I'll be settled."
"Why are you so fucking bothered with me sleeping on the floor? There are worst things in life than sleeping on the floor." She says tiredly.
"Okay but you have a bed. It's better to use. Also, what part of 'I cant move' do you not understand?"
"Are you ever going to give me an actual reason?" She asks, closing the curtains. I raise my head.
"A girl should be willing to sleep on the floor but shouldn't have to." I state before dropping my head down in vain.
It was quiet for a good amount of time, allowing me rest my eyes once again.
"The least you could do is put on some comfortable clothes," she says, breaking the silence. "It could make me feel less guilty for the most part"
"I um. I didn't bring any...pajamas" I say, half my face against the pillow.
"You didn't bring pajamas?! Not even a sweatshirt?"
    "No?" I'm one minute away from falling asleep at this point.
   "So you just expected to go to sleep in a suit?"
   "Basically. I'm tired can we just...let me be.." I manage to say, covering my face.
Instead of a response, I hear her trail away and out of the dorm.

Who doesn't bring at least a sweatshirt?! He is planted on the dorm floor looking like a dead raccoon and then tells me that he doesn't have actual clothes to wear. I don't even know why I try. The difference in him practically angers me for some reason; he doesn't take care of himself anymore.
I go to the parking lot where my rental car is parked and start striding. Rickys words told me that he has changed somewhat for the better. I don't know if he has always been so respectful to women or not ended up changing over the years, but that's one thing I really like plus hate about him. He won't even realize it's for him.
On the road, I decide to head to Target and buy him a hoodie and sweatpants before heading back.

This book, as you can tell, goes by very long and doesn't like skip weeks. The book will have a lot of chapters and I will be trying very hard to post every day.
Shoutout to:
For saving the book into their Libraries.

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