Chapter 93. I know

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"And they followed you here?" I ask. I look around, making sure Nini or anyone wasn't close enough hear.

"Mhm," William hums, "but if Nini gets what we are here for and stays safe..I think it'll work out just fine."

"Staying safe is what matters for you guys right now, got it?"

"So they're here?" I recall.

They both shake their heads yes.

"Alright. Fine, I'll make sure she's safe." I give them both a hug. "Thank you for coming guys."

"Don't worry about it. Chicagoans be chicagoans." Jax pats my back. "Come on, let's go."

I nod and follow him out of the hallway. We go back into the Living room, and just at the moment, Nini comes back. She gives me a small, but forced smile as she hangs her coat up.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask, going up to her. "You seem a bit distraught."

"Uh.." she puts her hands in her pockets, "I am a little bit, but other than that..I'm alright."

I sigh and pull her into a small hug.

"I'm sorry." I say. "I really didn't want to lie to you about it."

"I told you, it's alright. Don't worry about it." She pecks me on the cheek before pulling away. "We have to talk to some of my family y'know."

"Right. We're never done with that are we?"

"Come come." She takes my hand.

Christmas Eve
"Your hot chocolate is done," I say, putting the red mug on the counter, "do you want marshmallows?"

"Sad. You really asked me that."

I chuckle, looking at the figure walking towards me. "So it's a yes?"

"Yes. It's a yes." She mouths "What" with her hands out like she's done with my bull shit. I smirk and put a handful of mini marshmallows into her mug.

"Did you get the movies ready?" I ask, grabbing my mug.

"Mhm. Elf is all set on the TV." She goes to the table and grabs a napkin. "I know I probably shouldn't be thinking about this but..isn't crazy?"

"What?" I click the Keurig before heading over to the table, wrapping my arms around Nini's waist.

"That the people who robbed and burnt down my house were caught so quickly. I have absolutely no clue how they found out."

"Ricky!" I hear a voice call behind me. I stop cutting the onions and turn around.

"Hey babe, what's up?" I wipe my hands with a towel. We were still stuck in the hotel room and I couldn't have cared less.

"They found them!" I raise a brow. "They found the people that fucking burned down my parents house."

"What?" I grin. "Really?!"

"I just got a call from my mom. It was some couple..I-..I think Marissa and Henry...I think that's what their names are. They won't release how they found out though."

"You're joking. Nini, that's amazing. Not that your house was set on fire but..y'know..that they found them."

"Some closure." She goes up to me and examines my eyes, "Have you been crying?"

"I-" I motion towards the onions, "no. I'm making dinner."

"Oh. What are you making?"

"Mongolian Beef with Spring Onions. It's absolutely phenomenal..or so I heard." I smirk, picking up the knife.

"Oh really," she laughs, "okay well I'll be right back. I need to head over to my mom's apartment so I can talk to them and the police. Can I take the truck?"

"You don't have to ask my love. Be safe please."

"Will do. I Love you."

"I love you too."

I find myself smirking as she leaves.

"It is crazy," I say, squeezing her waist, "I'm happy that they found out. I'm sure they'll release the information soon."

"I hope." She turns around and wraps her arms around my neck, giving a small smile.

"You ready for UCLA?" I reluctantly ask. Her face slightly drops for some reason but quickly goes back to its neutral self.

"Very. Maybe we can actually share the bed for once."

"God, wouldn't that be an honor." I chuckle, planting a kiss square on her lips. "A bed at UCLA instead of a hotel room? Amazing."

She giggles as she lets go of my neck. "Let's watch. We got 2 hours until midnight."


  "You really got beat up," I say as we walk out, "the hell did you do?"

"We don't need to talk about it." Kant answers, hoisting the bag on his shoulder. "What we do need to talk about it Mom and Dad. They're in jail"

"And if anything, they deserve it." I put my phone in my pocket.

"They did that to get you out of jail." He scoffs.

"Mm. They should regret having favorites, or me being it." I smirk. "Plus, I can't get them out. Their trial is much different. I won't be able to get them out by bail and if I could, I wouldn't have enough money."

"You have enough for one. Our sister. Lachlan, she's pregnant and those women can beat her up. It safe to take her o-"

"No. I'm not getting her out." I interrupt, getting in the car. "If you can, go ahead but I'm not wasting my money on her."

"You are one pathetic brother."

"I know."

A little short chapter. The schedule for the chapters are on my message board :) I hope you all are well.
Enjoy Your Day or a night!

Enjoy Your Day or a night!-CR❤️

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