Chapter 89. Fuck No.

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"Nini, baby." I sit up on the bed. Nini had woken up much before me and was getting clothes. I want her to forgive me. "Can we please talk?"

"What is there to talk about?" She holds her clothes in her hands. "I don't..I don't want to listen to whatever bull shit your about to tell me."

"I'm sorry. I told you that several times and I genuinely mean it." I pull the blanket off of myself. "I'm sorry about going behind your back, I really am."

"No you are not. Ricky, I asked you to tell me the truth. That was it, and if your telling me those words last night were all true? You shouldn't expect me to believe it, there's something wrong. There's something your not fucking telling me and I'm done with it."

I was honestly lucky to have her even talking to me right now. I find myself afraid of the words that might come out of either of our mouths.

"And your half assed apology makes me want to fucking throw up." She goes into the bathroom, and eventually I head to the door,trying to find a way to sorry. How could it be half assed?

"Stop it." I hold onto the door knob. "Nini..come on. We're spending our time together and what the fuck are we going to be? We live in the same dorm."

"Friends, if your lucky." She grits. "Get off, I'm trying to take a shower. I have family coming."

She tries to close the door but I fight back.


"Don't call me that, and would you quit it? I don't have time for this." I sigh but I don't let go, Nini raises a brow. "Do you have any personal space? Hm? I need to take a shower, leave."

"What can I do to say sorry? I'm trying to apologize but you just aren't..I'm trying hard okay?"

"You aren't trying," she scoffs, "leave please."

"I'll get down on my knees and beg."

"You're over reacting, piss off would you? You aren't this pathetic, don't say that."

Did Nini just change over night? She must've had her night of crying, because she very well is done with me.

"Answer me, what can I do?" I force myself into the bathroom. The door was just a useless barrier between us, but Nini didn't think so as her face gets red with annoyance. "What can I do for you to forgive me?"

"Your honesty! Loyalty?! The most obvious shit, what fucking else?"

"Nini.." I run a hand through my hair.

What could it hurt right now? I look into her brow eyes and there's nothing else to it. How could I say no to this? To her?

She's asking me a genuine question. If I told her the truth, everything could change. I don't want to ruin her future, because if she said yes, she would be stuck with me and a child that wasn't her own.

Nini noticed my distraught, and a small smirk formed.

"So there was a lie," she says, putting her clothes on the counter and crossing her arms. "You lied to me during your half ass apology, so tell me, are you going to lie to me now or give me something believable."

Every action has its opposite reaction, so if I..tell her, she could so easily leave me. If she says yes, she just left her life behind but she will leave me if I don't say anything.

There is no winning in this situation. I mean..I'm going to leave her soon anyway right? So why not leave with some clarity for the both of us.

But a child isn't good clarity. Is she even going to believe me? I don't believe that Skye is pregnant myself.

I have a plan and it's good to stick to it, but I want to keep my dignity. I want to spend the small amount of time I have left with her on the right foot.

"What's taking you so long?" She questions, tapping her finger against her arm. "Trying to find another lie?"


How does she know that I have something else to hide? Or did she very well just trick me into saying something that she didn't know existed. Why is everything so fucking vague.

She's got me cornered, there's no point.

"Skye's pregnant." I say quietly.

"What?" She asks, genuinely not hearing it.

"I've been seeing Skye because shes pregnant," her expression changes immensely, "she's in jail obviously and I'm going to take care of the baby. It's a's a girl and I didn't tell you because I don't know how you would react."

She was clearly taken a back. Her face was starting to become unreadable.

For some reason, I find myself imagining us 2 with a child..and it all seemed like a dream. It was a dream..and maybe it could happen. Whether I'd have the common sense for it..than it could go right.

"You're joking right?" She asks.

"No..I'm not."

Her breathing becomes unsteady, causing me to become more worried.

"It's your child?"

"Yes..that's why her family came after me..over and over again." I find myself taking her hands. "I know I should've thought about this but what if we raised her together?"

Her eyes was now one of features that became unreadable. She pulls her hands away.


"Fuck no."

Don't You Remember book is out so you can save it into your library. This book isn't done yet, not even close , I just wanted to release the release date and let you guys save the book into your libraries. Go ahead and do that!

Enjoy Your Day or Night!

Enjoy Your Day or Night!-CR❤️

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