Chapter 67

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"I'm back," I say as I open the hospital door. I had left to change and shower, letting Nini do whatever she also needed to do. "You okay?"
Nini was sitting on the bed in a sweat shirt and pants. It was amazing to see her up and going.
"Hm? Oh yeah." She gets up and immediately connects her lips to mine. Her arms wrap around my neck as a hand finds itself in my hair. I cup her face with my hands and go with the flow. I grin as I pull away.
"God, I've missed you." I say as I pull her into a hug. I squeeze her tightly with one arm and place my hand on the back of her head. "3 fucking weeks.."
"You left me for 3 years Ricky, it's been worse." She jokes.
I pull away and just take a moment to look at her face.
"Still hasn't changed since then Neen."
She loosens her arms and sits back on her bed.
"Thank god for that huh?" She says with a grin.
"So you remember everything right? The gun...Lachlan.."
"I-..yeah. There are just..too many factors that I want to remember and I don't want to remember."
"I understand." I sit next to her. "Are you mad?"
"At who? Lachlan? For fucking sure."
"How about me?"
"Why would I be mad at you?"
"I'm the one who tackled him...and because of that, he"
She begins a nervous chuckle and lies down.
"No Rick, I'm not mad at you. You saved EJ's life."
I sigh as I sit criss cross at the edge of the bed.
"UCLA," she begins, "We're still there?"
"Yeah. I've been doing my work online, but I don't know how it's going to work for you."
"I-it's Fine. I'm sure I'll catch up or something."
"They'll give you a break. You shouldn't worry about it."
"I have a lot of things to worry about, can you blame me?"
"I-..yeah your right." I take her hands, "when do you think your going to get out?"
"I just woke up this morning, so I'm guessing not for a while."
"Right right."
She squeezes my hand.
"You alright?
"I'm fine. Just glad to see you up and going that's all."
"Hm," she hums with a grin, "damn."

Future Flash Forward. 3 Weeks From Now.
Nini's POV

"UCLA. We're fucking going back!" I shout as we find a parking spot. I look at Ricky who I could easily tell had a fake smile on. "What? Are you not happy?"
"What? I didn't say anything."
"That's the thing. You aren't saying anything."
"Well I'm saying something now aren't I." He pulls into a parking spot.
"Not in a good manor."
"Sorry. Come on, let's get the bags."
We get out of the car and head to the trunk. He takes out my bags along with his duffle bag.
"I genuinely don't remember you bringing just one bag."
"Ha, no. I just brought one Neen." He closes the trunk and begins pushing everything.
"Here, let me take one." I take the duffle bag off his shoulder and put it on mine. We begin walking towards the entrance.
"You tired?" He asks.
"Eh, not really. It's 11 PM though, why did you get a flight so late?"
"I uh. I like it better at night. It's a bit more relaxing since it's dark. I think you'll like it better than waking up early for a plan ride."
"But if I sleep, it'll be like 3 AM."
"You'll get back and go to sleep again then wake up to a regular day."
We head to through the entrance and make our way to the terminal.
"That's better I guess." I take his free hand in mine. "You ready to go back?"
"Yeah. For..sure."

We go through everything and place our bags onto that weird slide that takes your bags to the plane.

"30 minutes. Not too long." Ricky says as we sit down at the departure gates. "You excited?"
"Yeah but it's a 3 hour ride. It's going to be a bit."
"For the better. You can take some time for yourself."
I grin and lay my head on his shoulder.

Back to Ricky
"Once Your out of here, do you immediately wanna go back to UCLA or just take a breather?" I ask, still holding her hand.
"I'm not sure...I have a lot to catch up on I think."
"Not much has happened when you were out Nini. Not at all."
"Nothing entertaining? Worth knowing?"
I sigh as I force myself to lie.
"No. Not that I know of. I've been sat here watching you and it's the hardest shit I'll ever do."
(£ No. it wasn't the hardest shit I'll end up having to do.)
"Hey, well I'm awake now and I'm totally up for anything once I get out."
"Hm. Anything?"
"That is very safe and easy to do."

A knock on the door turns our heads around and soon, the doctor walks in.
"Hey guys," he begins as he walks up to us. "Everything good? Well nourished Nina?"
"Yeah I'm great, thank you."
"Alright, can you come with me? We got some tests to do."
She let's go of my hands and gets off of the bed.
"Yeah no problem."

Short chapter, real sorry😂
So obviously, my dumbass thought I'd finish this book by June 8th but I took a break and that ruined my schedule. There are quite a few chapters to go and I'd say this book will finish by July. It doesn't matter though because when I post my last chapter, the first chapter of the sequel will be out as well so you don't have to wait.
I'm not sure when that will be but I'm just gonna keep posting till we get there.
Enjoy your day or night!
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