Chapter 84. Time Stands Still

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"Morning Darling.." Nini says quietly as I blink my eyes open. She had her arms around my neck and was playing with my hair. I slightly grin as I reluctantly bury my head into the crook of her neck.

"I don't want to get up.." I groan, gripping onto her naked waist. "Can we just stay in. It's not like we have anything special to do."

"We stayed in Salt Lake from our Thanksgiving break to our Christmas break, so we need to take this time..and hang out with friends and family." She sighs, "I think company is all my family and I need."

I fill with guilt. I hold onto her tightly and lift my head, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"You're doing great with this stuff Neens. You're amazing, don't you know that? You're handling everything amazingly."

"Uh..well. I'm sort of dying inside. We lost everything but thanks to you.." she grins, "we're getting back up on our feet."

I repeat a sigh as I grab my phone from the bedside table of our hotel room. I peer at the 3 messages from the HSM group chat but quickly swipe them away and look at the time. I shut my phone off and return my eyes to Nini, who were playing with the threads of the blanket.

"They're all coming tomorrow right?" I ask, pulling her hand away from the blanket and holding it in mine.

"Uh, Yeah. My family." She forces a smile.

"Babe, they aren't going to say anything about your house. Why are you worrying about it?"

"Because they are just going to try and give us money. They're going to say random, fake bull shit about how sorry they are about the incident and just..just not even care the next day." She lays her head on my chest. "I'm so tired of it all."

"Christmas is a lot Neens, but you shouldn't force yourself to enjoy it. I know that maybe you should be with your family but..what if your with me? With Ashlyn, Red, Gina, EJ, Seb, Carlos, and Kourtney."

"What?" She questions.

"All of EJ's place or a hotel. Christmas Eve."

She takes a moment of silence to think it over but doesn't seem to want to answer. I'm not sure why, it was always us and friends. That's what makes Nothing will change that..yet. I run a hand through her hair, waiting for a response but none seems to come.

"Or just us." I say softly. "Just us in a hotel room on Christmas Eve. Would that be better?"

She closes her eyes and breathes a shaky breath.

"Nini, baby..are you okay?" I pull the blanket further more on us.

"Yeah. I'm fine." She answers, "I'm just trying to comprehend everything we've done together. A Christmas with just us two would be..amazing." She opens her eyes and sits up, keeping the blanket on herself.

"Yeah?" I ask, sitting up with her. "Just us?"

She gives me a real grin and nods.

"Just us. I'll tell my mom, whether she minds or'll just be us."

I smile.

I keep doing this to myself. I'll find myself more and more attached every single day. We're leaving soon and this is not the time. It's not the time but..I think being as normal as I can will be I don't know. Something I guess.

Time Stood Still from there.

*Flash Forward*
Nini POV
I grab my phone and head to Darling McHarlings group chat.

Darling McHarlings🥳

Hey guys, have um..have any of you
guys received any text messages from

What? No. Aren't you guys back
in LA?

I am. Not Ricky though..

What do you mean by that?

I've tried calling him earlier. He
went straight to an automatic voice message
saying that his number doesn't exist

Seriously? Wait Neens, what's going

There are moments where I wish I knew.
We went to catch a flight but right when we
got on the plane, he gave me ..

This weird and strong kiss and then just
left the plane. They closed the doors before
I could leave and I tried to get off at a stop
but I didn't have enough money on me to get
another flight just..I don't know.

He just left you on the plane!?
What the hell? Did he say anything?

He said "sorry. I can't."
He wasn't happy leaving and I know it.

Well, he hasn't made any contact
with me. I can try asking around Salt
lake but..I don't know why he'd do that.

I want to go back to Salt Lake but I
genuinely can't afford it right now.

He knew what he was doing. He clearly
planned it all out. I must've done something

Neens, you didn't do anything.

Before the airport? We're you
guys good?

Fine. We were fine. We were normal.

I really think I've done something wrong
guys. He wouldn't have left me like that.

I'll look out for him here Nini.
If I find anything I'll tell you, I

Hon, just focus on your classes
for now. He loves you I'm sure he'll
show up.

Hoping Carlos. Hoping.

I just have a short little filler chapter for you guys today. Just a little preparation for the next chapter which is going to be a bit longer. I hope you are all feeling well. This world is a dangerous place.

Enjoy Your Day or Night!

Enjoy Your Day or Night!-CR❤️

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