Chapter 72

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  I sip on my water as Ricky sits down in front of me, pulling out his phone.

"Are you happy your out?" He asks scrolling through the device.

"For sure. I just can't wait to go back to UCLA though."

He looks up from his phone but quickly returns his eyes back to the screen.

"Uh, do you know when they're coming?" I ask.

"They're on their way Neens."

I nod and take out my own phone. I click on Instagram when all of a sudden my mom calls me.

"Uh, I'll be right back." I say getting up.

I go outside and answer the call.

"Hey Mom."

"Hey Nini."

"What's up?"

"Where are you? I know you got discharged but you didn't tell me where you went."

"I'm at the Park with Ricky, why?"

"Home. Can you come home..please?"

"I-..why? Whats wrong?"

"It's gone. Everything is gone."

"Mom what are you talking about?"

"Just come home please."

She quickly hangs up, leaving me worried and confused.

I run a hand through my hair as I go back inside. I quickly head up to Ricky.

"Text the group that we're going to be late," I say, "my mom wants me to go home. She said everything's gone and it's scaring me."

"W-what are you going on about?" He asks, an eyebrow raised.

"Can you take me back to my parents place? Please?"

"Nini, they're all almost here. Maybe like 2 miles aw-"

"If you don't want to go, give me the truck keys. It's not that difficult." I state, putting my palm out.

He looks at me with a confused face. He was contemplating and it was the easiest thing to notice.

"Fine." He sighs, getting up. "Come on, let's go."

"Did she tell you anything else?" He asks as we pull into the neighborhood.

"No. The call hardly lasted 10 seconds."

I try not to shake, but I have never heard my mom as scared as she was on the phone. 10 seconds is enough for me to tell the difference of it all.

"Okay. I-..I'm sure it won't be too big of a deal Neens." He reluctantly puts a hand on my thigh. I put a hand on his and caress it with my thumb.

"I don't know.." I say softly.

"You're shaking." He notices, moving his hand on top of mine.

"That I know."

*Flash Forward*
I force myself to sit back down in the plane. I have every right to get off of this plane, they can't just hold me like this.

"Ma'am," the flight attendant begins, "can you calm down? You're disturbing everyone."

"I want to get off of this plane." I state, wiping my face. "I have the right to leave this plane."

"We cannot stop this whole flight for you. I don't see any injury and y-"

"You gave the Pilot a go ahead even after people were still in their seats. You didn't even do that stupid safety showing thing! You also just let someone walk out like that. Did he pay you or some shit?!"

"Could you lower your voice ma'am? I understand that you are currently stressed but you shouldn't make everyone else upset."

This bitch should not be a flight attendant because I am so close to punching that smirk off her face.

"If I stay on this plane," I say, "then there's going to be a much bigger disturbance than my loud voice. So I suggest you tell that pilot of yours to either turn around, or find the closest fucking stop."

She contemplates to say something, but quickly stands up straight.

"Alright," she says, a slight attitude in her voice, "I'll be talking to the Pilot."

She walks off, trying not to look back.

I immediately take out my phone and try to call Ricky. The connection was horrible and none of my calls or texts were going through.

"Come on." I say, sending my texts like crazy. I tap my phone like a bloody maniac.

I know it won't work, but it's just seems like the best way to cope. I just spam, feeling like a clingy girlfriend.

2 minutes in and I give in.

"For fucks sakes!" I wince, dropping my head into my hands after dropping my phone into the seat that Ricky once sat in.

Why the fuck does everything come and go like waves?


"Holy shit.." I say quietly as we pull up to the house..or the house that was suppose to be there. Ricky puts the truck in park and just stares in disbelief.

I quickly get out and head to my mom, who was standing in front of the burned down house.

"What the fuck happened!?" I ask, looking around.

Police and firefighters surround the remaining pieces of my childhood home.

"I-our neighbors saw 2 people in black robbing our house..and then..they burnt it down." She says upset, her eyes watering. "Nini, everything was taken. The safe in your mom and I's closet..some of the musical instruments you left..god it wouldn't have mattered anyway."

"Clearly robbing wasn't enough," Ricky says, still in disbelief. "Everything done here was intentional Nini. You were t-targeted."

A police officer comes up to us, giving me awful flashback of when I first met Lachlan.

"Mrs. Roberts." He begins sympathetically, "No evidence of anyone so far. Everything was either burnt down or destroyed from the hands of the Robbers."

My eyes water at the sight. It was truly horrific. Ricky takes my hand, noticing my discomfort.

"The Fire has fully been put out. You have permission to go ahead and try to find anything but if I'm completely honest, I don't think you'll have much luck."

Mom nods, rubbing her shoulders.

"Neen's honey, we can't afford this." She says, a tear running down her face. "The hospital bills and I-."

"We'll..find a way Mom." I say taking her hand. "Oh my god.."

Ricky looks at his phone, his face immediately dropping more than it already was.

"Uhm.." he begins, "Lachlan's out."

So sad knowing this book is going to end soon😭 but the sequel is (in my opinion) going to be better than this book but like..we don't pick favorities😂
Enjoy Your Day or Night!

we don't pick favorities😂 Enjoy Your Day or Night!-CR❤️

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