Chapter 64.

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• Means Narration•

  "You're wearing that?" EJ asks me as soon as I step out my of my room.
  "I-..what's wrong with this?" I look down at myself.
  "You look like a..pure...gang mafia fucker."
"Excuse me?"
I raise a brow at his words. I was just wearing a black dress shirt and skinny black jeans.
"You got..that one curl sticking out and those 2 buttons undone...your asking to get hit on."
"What? No I'm not. This is what I'd wear to a party or something," I cross my arms, "and you know...that's like saying a girl is asking to get raped."
"Don't pin me as the bad guy Richard. I-..Let's go Mr. Mafia."
I button up one button as he heads out the door. I follow behind him with my phone and wallet in hand.

"What's called?" I ask as we stop at a stoplight.
"Uh..Strikers Lite. It's a bit far but, it'll be worth it."
"Right..worth it.."
He turns his head and raises a brow. He quickly focuses his eyes back on the road.
"You alright?" He asks.
"You've been so out of it. I know it's about Nini but you ski-"
"I'm going to have a daughter EJ. I'm probably gonna end up staying out of it because I'm just..fucked up right now."
"I-..right. Daughter. You ready for that?"
"Is anyone? I'm as ready as I can possibly be."
"So no?"
"Yeah no. I'm not ready but..oh well. I'm just going to hope."
I really shouldn't be saying this kind of stuff but I's the truth. I don't know what I'm gonna do and I sure as hell am not ready.
"Anyways," I begin, "Who's your friend?"
"The friend that owns strikers lite? Who is it?"
"Oh. It's not anyone you know. He's from my school."
"And he owns a club?"
"He's honestly only at school because he's bored. He's a rich guy..wait sorry, his Mom is a rich woman. He's just a mommas boy."
"I-..o-kay. And your close friends with him?"
I'm starting to wonder who is in his other friend group. Lowkey, starting to wonder.

We enter the club, the harsh EDM music blasting out without seemingly any care.
"I-..damn!" I shout over the music, "and this is for 18 with no alcohol?"
"Yup. It's fucking sick isn't it?"
"Uhm, not in the way you want it to be."
I look over at EJ who had a smirk on his face.
"Why you smiling like that?" I question.
"Come on," he pulls my arm and leads me to the other side of the club. "You know, I really enjoy this place. It has a different vibe each time I come."
"What do you mean?"
"One night, I could be jamming out to some heavy rock music, and the next I could be listening to Jazz. It changes and I could wind up seeing the same faces for 3 nights straight and then completely different ones for only 1 night."
"Sounds amazing."
"It is," he leads me to tables, "and along with faces, you can end up seeing pretty familiar ones."
"What d-" I scoff out.
"You'll know what I mean."
I take my eyes off of the dance floor and focus at the 2 faces in front of me. A grin spreads the corner of my lips as I reach in for a hug that I never knew I genuinely needed.
"Red, Gina.." I say as my arms wrap around them, "oh my fucking god."
"Hey Rick," Gina says as her head rests on my shoulder. "How have you been?"
"I uh...I've been fine."
I pull away from the hug with a grin.
"So I've been told your keeping the baby?" Big Red asks with a slight smirk, "hows that feeling?"
"Y'know, I don't really know to be honest. I'm sort of excited."
Gina seemed to have Pity in her eyes and I think I know why.
"What about Nini?" She asks, "Y'know..when she wakes up."
"That's just..another thing I don't know about. I don't think she'll stay with me."
Their eyes wonder into a disappointed glare.
"That's not true. You know it isn't. I-..look. We're at this club and I'm really down to have some fun so, let's just forget about some stuff and I mean..what else? Party?"
I look over at EJ who walks over to Gina and plants a kiss on her forehead.
"Come on."

• Time is the most valuable thing in the world. Many people would agree with that but only once they experience it. Well..I'm not sorry to say that Ricky was about to be one of those people.•
•Ricky took only 1 night off after what? 3-4 weeks of staying merely 24/7 in a hospital, watching a woman he could so easily say he's loved his entire life lay hopelessly on a hospital bed in a coma.•
•He dances his pain away in the middle of the dance floor with 3 people he loved. Big Red, Gina, and EJ. He jumps and sways to the music, not even caring if it's EDM or Country. He just wanted find a way to deal with the fact that Nini wasn't dancing with him. It could be him jamming with Red or swaying with a random girl that asked for his number. Of course he said no, but he still offered a dance•
•I'm sure he would've done something if he'd known. He probably would've been scared shitless, but right now, he's dancing his heart out. I mean, a guy deserves a break every now and then, am I right?•
•Eh. For Ricky, it's a constant. Like for instance, all he wanted to do was head to Salt Lake City and watch a performance. Unfortunately, he's stuck with seeing the girl he didn't even know he knocked up and her over protective brother he thought he could call a friend. Then, he's stuck in a full fucking shoot out and the next thing he knows? He's sitting in a hospital shaking.•
•Richard Bowen isn't the luckiest guy in the bunch, I'll admit. I'm sure he would too, but I mean come on. He's dancing! He's having fun! That one curl sticking out and bouncing as he jumps along with a grin? That's fun!•
•You know, I kinda wished he knew though.•

Alright so, heh I'm back already! Or at least I'm trying to be. I'm starting to get free and I'm no longer as busy.
I'll be trying to post more.
Enjoy Your Day or Night!

Enjoy Your Day or Night!-CR❤️

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