Chapter 37

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"Damn. That does not look bad at all!" I say with a cheerful whisper at the end. I had look at the hotel but I didn't realize how nice it looked on the outside. Utah is just amazing in general. "Alright, I'll get the bags. You go inside and get our room. It's room 36B. It has a living area and 2 bedrooms. I'm sure you'll figure it out."
She nods and gets out of the truck. I do the same but open the bed of the truck and start taking things out. It's been easier with us and no matter what, it's staying that way.

"It's just a party Ricky. I know your leaving soon, don't try to tell me you aren't,"
Big Red starts saying, causing my eyes to widen, "so just come and have fun before you leave."
"Wait how'd you..." I sigh and hold the phone closer to my ear. "How'd you know?"
"I'm dumb, but I'm still your best friend. I know. Your mom tells me. And don't worry, since it's so clear you didn't want people to know, I'll pretend like I didn't know anything."
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just...I feel like I'm going crazy here sometimes."
"It's Nini....isn't it?" He asks, volume lowered. "Your really going to move all the way to Chicago because of her?"
"How. How the fuck do I manage to walk back inside that school and act as if I didn't go ballistic in front of our cast and crew? And how? How the fuck do I.." I pause. "How the fuck do I just continue in, seeing the girl whose heart I broke...TWICE...everyday and act as if nothing happened? How..." my eyes were tearing up.
"I wish I knew..." he replies. "Look. I know your leaving Sunday. You have a whole week and the party is a Friday night at EJ's place. It's one of the biggest ones he'll ever host since he's gonna be leaving soon. It starts at 8. Come...and just..." he sighs, "just have a farewell and just enjoy everyone's comfort while your here."
He hangs up, getting the last word. I sigh and drop the phone on the floor before falling back on my bed. Tears eventually start running down my face, causing me to question myself. I don't want to leave my friends, and me leaving isn't all of Nini. I managed to see my dad go crazy and yeah, maybe it would be better to stay with him then my mom and her boyfriend, but I don't want to watch him and my drama teacher.
A knock on my door causing me to quickly wipe the tears off my face and sit up.
"I- Uh. Come in!" I shout, continuing to wipe my face.
Mom opens the door with a grin on her face.
"So..." she begins, "you gonna go to that party?"
"Really mom? Why'd you tell him?" I ask with distraught.
"Because you didn't. Why didn't you tell them?"
"I did it for a reason. I'd much rather just leave their lives and them having no clue why than me telling them the reason."
"What reason? You just wanted to go."
"Mom, you know I broke up with Nini right? the worst way imaginable.."
"Oh, I know. The night of the play...still sorry about that hun."
  "It's fine just. Maybe I should go to that party. Get my mind off this stuff."
  "Her. Look Ricky. I know you want to leave with me, but I think it might be best for you to stay with your dad."
  "Stay with him? Mom! You saw him."
  "He never acted that way around you. He must've been in a mood, he would've never done that to you if I wasn't there."
  "So your telling me he wouldn't have hit me?" I question. "Mom. He's hit you before. He would've easily done it to me anytime he'd like. Don't convince yourself other wise."
  I don't normally talk to my mom like that, but In this case, I guess it's necessary.
  "Mom...look." I look at her dead in the eyes. "When I leave with you, it'll be for the better. You don't have to see Dad or come all the way over here, and you won't be missing anything I'm doing. Just think of the positives."
  "Ricky, honey. You think I don't want to leave this place? I do. I really do. I just want to leave and forget the bad memories I had here. But it's also hard having you leave. All of your firsts were here."
  "I'm going to leave eventually aren't I?"
  "Yes but.."
  "Mom. I'm sorry, but I'm going. Okay?"

  "You got the room?" I ask as I walk in with the luggage.
  "Uh yeah. He's a..." she lowers her voice, "if you ask me, he seems like a can we go? Quickly?"
   I look at the man in rolled and ripped clothing and nod quickly.

  "You can pick which room you'd like." I say, locking the door behind us. The room was gorgeous. It had windows everywhere and an amazing view. It was cheap and it honestly did better than the house.
  I get no response. I look up and see her gaze at the place, causing me to smile.
  "Did you hear me?" I ask. She seemed star struck. Confused on why, I go up behind her and hug her, before lifting her up in the air. A laugh comes from both of us.
  "Now did you hear me?" I repeat, putting her down.
  "Jesus. Yes. Yes I did. I'll go pick
right now."
  I see a grin on her face as she goes and check, letting me do the same. I sigh and look out the window. Utah really was something to me. Something I genuinely took granted for. It never necessarily hit me when I left, but why would it? I wanted to leave. Hell, I needed to leave, but I'd be lying if I said I don't regret it.
  "I call the one on the right!" She yells. I laugh and head to the room she so obviously called.
I go into the room and gaze. Her room was just like her old one, so in response, I check the other room. The exact same thing as my room in the old house. I go back to her room.
  "Is it just me or-"
  "Nope. I see it too.." she cuts me off, in a worried tone. "What the actual fuck?"
I rub the back of my neck.
  "I don't know why I'm so freaked out right now.." I say.
  "I guess it's just a coincidence.." she says, trying to convince me otherwise. "Didn't you see the rooms before picking this?"
  "Yeah but it was different. It was nothing like this, Nini."
  I sit down on her bed. The dresser, the mattress, the comforter, the broken drawer on the right. It was merely identical.
  "Fuck..." she whispers.
  "Someone's been watching us.." I reluctantly say. "It's either that, or we're just in for a ride."
  "Why is that your first thought? If someone was watching us, I don't think they'd do all of this."
  "You sure?" I take the piece of paper off of the dresser. "Remember this?"
  She takes it from my hand and reads it. Her facial expression makes me to believe that she believes me.
  "Exact handwriting. Same piece of paper."
  She gives me a scared expression.
"You don't same..fazed." I look at her. "You've been through this before...haven't you?"

Chapter 37. It's so weird. I wrote so much and I get to see people that's been there since day 1 commenting. It's truly amazing. Hoped you guys enjoyed it!
Enjoy your day or night!

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