Chapter 97. Together

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"Merry Christmas everyone!" I say happily as I shut the door behind me. Everyone laughs and cheers on. Nini rolls her eyes and gives her mom a hug. "I hope everyone is having an amazing day."

"Yes. Yes we are." Nini's grandpa says with a smile. "How about you boy? How are you?"

"I'm great Mr. Roberts. Fantastic, I'd say."

"Good." He sips his coffee on the table and starts talking to Nini's grandma. I head over to Nini and plant a kiss on her forehead.

"Hey Momma D, how are you?" She greets me with a warm smile.

"I'm good Ricky. Have You guys been enjoying your Christmas?"

"I'd sa-"

"A-mazing." I interrupt Nini. I need to release as much energy as I can now because tomorrow..will be extremely hard. "I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else besides you and your daughter."

"Aww thank you. Well, we're just have a small little Christmas party so eat, drink, do whatever you'd like."

"Of course."

"Oh Mom, I got you a gift." Nini says, digging into her pocket.

"Oh darling, you didn't have to do that."

"Oh, but I did." She pulls out a small wrapped box. "I got Momma C one too. Ricky, we need to head to the hospital after this so I can give it to her."

"Yeah, sure." She gives her the box.

"Thank you honey." She unwraps the box and opens it, smiling right away at the sight. "I-..and you got your mother one too?"

"Yeah. Same one but with Momma C on it." Nini says proudly.

"Oh my gosh, I love it." I couldn't see what it was but I could tell she was very happy. Nini hugs her mom once more and holds her tightly.

"I'm glad."

They pull away and I soon see it's a bracelet. It was a really nice bracelet not going to lie. It honestly led me to question where she got this money from, but it's not my place to say anything.

"Well I'll be back. I need to go talk to my grandma, know what to do right?"

"Eat? Oh yeah. I know what to do."

"I-..yes but?"

"Talk. Say hi, I know I know."

"Thank you," she stretches out the you, making me warm up inside. "Mkay, be right back. Love you."

"Love you too."

I head over to the food table and grab a plate. I grab fried rice, some chicken and a cup of water. I would get not chocolate but that doesn't really go well with this meal.

I sit down on the couch and begin eating. I would take out my phone but that would seem sort of rude, plus most people in here are on the older side so they'll probably say something about Gen Z being annoying.

I look around as I stuff some rice into my mouth and see if there is anyone in my age group, by that, I mean if William was around here. I know that Jaxon was with his fiancé so  he isn't anywhere near here.

Nini's family was over all nice and being here right now is honestly going to backfire later. I'm going with my plan, and leaving Nini is going to be something else. Her grandparents are not going to like me for long.

I quickly drop my forced grin as I realized..tomorrow was it. Tomorrow was going to be the last time I see Nini for..a while.

If I pull off everything the way I planned for it to go, Me and My daughter will be in San Diego...trying to enjoy a new life. Nini won't look for me there. She would think I'm far away and if I'm lucky, she would stop looking.

The thing is, I don't think I'd want her to stop looking.

"Yo, Richard?" I look to my side, seeing William with a small grin on his face. "Hey."

"Shit, hey. How you've been?" I take a sip of my water.

"Well. Keeping low like you asked." He looks around, making sure Nini isn't looking at our direction. "You think it's gonna work?"

"It's whether or not she's caught on. I pray she has."

"It's better if we just take it as a surprise." He notices Nini looking at us. "I..she's looking. I should go."


I make a face as if I was annoyed and continue to eat as if I was pissed. Nini makes her way over to me with a small grin on her face.

"Hey, you guys talking for once?"

"No," I force a scoff, "I don't like that guy."

"You should actually try and talk to him. He's a nice guy."

"Nice guy my ass."

She rolls her eyes. "You get jealous real quick don't you?"

"When I met a guy I don't like, it stays that way."

"Mm..isn't that something."

"Yes," I chuckle, standing up, "let's enjoy tonight."

"Isn't that..what we're supposed to do?"

"Together. Let's enjoy tonight together."

She raises a brow. "Yeah..sure."

These chapters have been quite short as you may have noticed but remember, there's now only 3 chapters remaining and you guys are still..most likely confused😂

Well, guess these irrelevant chapters are just there.

Enjoy Your Day or Night!

Enjoy Your Day or Night!-CR❤️

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