Chapter 92. Brothers

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"Come," she says, getting up. "I need to get back out there."

"Yeah, of course." I push myself off of the bed. I reluctantly take her hand. "Wait are we.."

"We're okay.." her eyes dig into my soul..and for some reason, I felt like she wanted to say "for now. We're okay for now." She didn't though, but gives me a smile. I couldn't tell if it was real or not, but she gave me something that made my day. She fixes my collar and uses both her hands to swipe off my shoulders. "No more ties. You look better without them."

"In what words? Handsome?"

"Hot. Good enough?"

I smirk as she begins dragging me to the door. I see pockets in her dress and for some reason that made me happier. I know that she loves pockets on dresses, she gets so happy.

I shut the door behind me and follow Nini. I feel eyes on me, or more so Nini but it's not like I can really say anything.

We go to the table and grab some bowls before taking some soup. It seemed to be the only thing we were both interested in at the time. Sweets weren't an option, at least not for us.

I try my best to act normal but the apology was not my best. I couldn't say I love you to her and that didn't turn out well, so her full on knowing that I lied to her face...just makes her acceptance of my apology far more skeptical.

Her family was nice as always. Nothing new about that, that's for sure. Nini made conversation with her family members but constantly motioned me over to save her from what ever insults or awkward moments that would happen in a family reunion.

She motions me over to where her parents stood and 2 other people. One of them was William. Of course.

"Hello," I hesitantly say as I walk over to the group, hands in pockets.

"Hey." Will says with an eyebrow raised. "Richard.."

Nini nudges my elbow, and I could not tell what she wanted what so ever.

"Uhm," she clear her throat. "Ricky, you've obviously met Will. This is his brother, Jaxon."

Great, another guy.

"Nice to meet you," I hold out a hand for him to shake. He smiles and takes my hand, or
More so my forearm.

"You too. So you Uh," he motions towards Nini, "you Nini's boyfriend?"

I look at Nini, almost for permission. Instead of answering me, she answers him.

"Yeah. He's my boyfriend." She says. I slip and arm around her waist and pull her into my body gently. Better to make sure they know.

"And you guys are her friends?" I ask to make sure.

"Yeah. Family friends. Our mom and mama D here work together. We're all good and close." Jaxon says with a grin. Dana smiles. "How are you Richard..or Ricky. I'm not sure what to call you."

"Ricky's alright. I'm well, how about you?" I accidentally slide a hand into Nini's dress pocket. I quickly take it out and apologize quietly in her ear. I don't know why, it's not like my hand went up her dress or anything.

"I'm good as well. A bit bummed that Carol isn't here, but..I'm fine."

The awkward tension was burning a hole through my chest. I could feel Will's eyes examining me like I was some disgusting experiment, and all I can say is..I give him props for such. Nini quickly clears her throat and moves out of my grip.

"I'm going to get some fresh air," she says, "I'll be right back."

"What?" I question, taking her hand. "Babe, it's cold out." I probably don't have the right to call her that but, we're in front of her friends and family. It's better to put on a show.

"I know. I'll bring a jacket, I won't be long." She squeezes my hand exactly 3 times and I don't even know why I was counting. We didn't have any secret message in squeezing hands but, it felt like she did this with meaning. "Talk. I know you like to do that."

I raise a brow but a small notice leaves me to nod. I let go of her hand and let her go off. She takes her jacket off of the hook and leaves the apartment. I turn back to the 2 of them. Dana seemed to have wanted to leave without us noticing.

"So," I say, unscrewing my water bottle cap. "What are your plans for Christmas? You guys celebrating together or something?"

"No," Jaxon chuckles, "I just swung by to say hey to everyone. I need to get back to my fiancé in Chicago."

"Oh..Chicago? You live in Chicago?" I ask.

"Yeah but my little bro here," Jaxon rubs the top of Wills head, "lives in Salt. I mean we were all born and raised in Salt but a mans gotta leave the coop sooner or later."

"Right. What uh, what's your occupation?"

"I think you know Richard."

I find myself smirking. All 3 of us were.

"You did it smoothly." I say, taking a sip of my water. "I didn't think that was possible."

"Neither did we." Will says.

"Mom, you're taking it way too personally." I roll my eyes. "I'm going to Chicago, there's nothing else to it. You literally live there do you not?"

"It's dangerous. Especially how the Woodsons are portrayed there Lachlan."

"Am I not an adult?" I find myself laughing. "Calm down, I can take care of myself."

"Gosh, right. Do what you do, just know you're making me regret bailing you out." I chuckle as she puts the cup in the sink.

There are many fragile things in the world, one being my mother. Which is funny because she has the bloody audacity to y'know..kill people sometimes? It explains a lot for Kant and Skye. I guess me too but

I take a deep breath. "I'm also bailing Kant out. We're going out together."

"What?" She raises a brow. "You're bailing him out!?"

"Yeah. I am, and don't say whatever bull you're about say mom."

"I don't care," she states, "I don't care if you bail him out but what mark will that leave on you and your sister?"

"She doesn't even know I'm out. She doesn't need to know about Kant." God it's always Skye Skye Skye. Jeez, she don't need to know shit.

"God, We're just getting ourselves back into the shit we were just in." She shakes her head and palms her forehead. "I-..never mind. You're adults. Do whatever you guys do but know I don't want to see my children dead."

Dead. Of course she thinks that's how we'll end up.

"Mom, really." I sit up in my chair. "You're acting as if you didn't live the way we are right now."

"Yeah I know, but see here, I was taught a different way than I taught you. That was at a different time. The worlds different now."

"How so?"

"For starters, people used guns smarter. They didn't just point it to their brothers head."

I scoff and roll my eyes.

A little boring chapter😂
I didn't even notice how boring it was but, what can ya do? Every chapters here for a reason.

Enjoy Your Day or Night!

Enjoy Your Day or Night!-CR❤️

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