Chapter 91. Bull-Shit

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"Hey...Babe," Ricky says as he walks into the room. I didn't think he would show up. His eyes examine behind me to William. "Who's this?"

I look at Will, who had an eyebrow raised.

"Babe?" Will questions the name "I didn't know you had a boyfriend Nina."

God, of course Will is making it sound like something's going on between us.

"I don't." I grit, making Ricky cross his arms. "I-..I mean I do..don't..." I sigh, "its not something you have to worry about Will."

"Hi," Ricky says all too nicely, "I'm Richard, her boyfriend."

Give me a fucking break for fucks sake.

"Ricky what are you doing here?" I ask, laying the guitar down next to me.

"What do you mean? I'm at my girlfriend's Christmas family party, which leaves me to question, who are you?"

"I'm William, Will for short and I'm," he sits up on the bed, "Nini's really good be-"

"Friend." I interrupt. "Will's a good friend of mine Ricky."

"Oh really?" Ricky's voice is monotone as he sits beside me on the bed. He looks me up and down, eyes trailing me in my short floral dress that I don't regret wearing too much. Its been colder out. "You look stunning by the way."

"Thanks.." I mumble as Ricky begins questioning the actions of everyone.

"So, uh..since you guys are good friends, how come you never introduced me Neens? Normally  good friends would know a lot about each other, y' if they're single or not."

"Its just..Nini goes to UCLA and I go to SLU so..we hardly get to see each other." Will says, smirking.

"Right." Ricky states. "Then I guess you guys would just be friends. I wouldn't say good friends but like...who am I to say what your relationship is."

"Yeah. Who are yo-"

"William do you mind..going outside for a bit?" I ask abruptly. Nothing's happened yet but I don't want anything to escalate.

"What?" he asks "why not the douche you call your boyfriend."

Both me and Ricky's eyes widen. Ricky hasn't really done anything to make him call him such a name. I glance at Ricky who had his jaw clenched, but he quickly forces a fake grin. I reluctantly put a hand on Ricky's inner thigh, making him jump a bit. I squeeze a little tight, causing Ricky's fake grin to fade.

"Will," I grit as calmly as possible, keeping my eyes on Ricky "I'd appreciate it if you didn't call him a douche. You don't know him alright? Leave..please. I'll talk to you later."

He doesn't move, causing my eyes to dart at the blond. I wait patiently, tapping my finger on Ricky's thigh.

"Fine.." he says, pushing himself off of the bed. "I'll do that."

He gives me a "the fuck?" look on his way out. He slams the door, giving me permission to let go of Ricky's thigh. I slide both my hands through my hair.

"A friend?" Ricky asks in a laughing manor, "that's what you call a friend?"

"Toxic." I state annoyed. "I'm not going to be here to control you each time your anger gets out of hand,  especially when its at me,"

I hear him sigh, causing me to take my hands out of my hair and look at the nicely dressed figure.

"I wasn't going to hurt him Nini. I'm not that short tempered."

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