Chapter 99. Everything Worked..Right?

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I go through the dumb metal detectors and carry Athena with me. I grin at the little figure who managed to brighten my entire day.  I begin walking to Gate A but soon stop.

"Hey," an oh so familiar voice says. I turn around and see Ahmed, making me almost relieved. I move the baby carrier behind me.

"Hey, dude. What are you..what are you doing here?"

"Uh, y'know. Visited a family member for Christmas. You heading back to UCLA just now?"

"Yeah," I chuckle with a brow slightly raised, "Yeah I'm heading back now. You?"

"Gotta make one last stop before. I'm gonna head to Arizona and just enjoy the moment. I swear everything's just for a moment now a days."

I tilt my hat lower on my head. "Right. Just for a moment."

"It was great seeing you. I promise to be back soon to put up lanterns in SD." He laughs.

"Y-Yeah. See you soon Ahmed."

I rub the back of my neck as I head to the gates, trying to brush off as much as I can of Ahmed being here.

I sit down and put my suit case aside. I put Athena next to me and take her out of the baby carrier.

"Hey baby girl.." I hold her upright so she's almost standing on my thighs. She grins at me, causing me to do the same. "Someone's awake.."

She coohs and reaches for my hat and sort of plays with it.

Flashback* (Moments)

[Ricky Just Left Nini On The Plane]
"I'm sorry....I can't." I turn myself back around and head out, making sure not to look back. I can hear Nini's muttered words but I block myself out, making sure I don't hear whatever words she's trying to say.

I swipe a hand through my hair and wipe my face. This is the fucking plan that I wanted to do. The other one wasn't going to work out. It wasn't going to work the way I wanted it to and this one is already working. It's already in tact.

I force my tears to go away and pass through the airport, ignoring everything and everyone. I go to the parking lot and my mind just suffocates Itself.

I don't care. You shouldn't care Ricky. You're going to be a father. Nini doesn't need to be involved in your fucking bull shit. She has the perfect life. She's is perfect life. The perfect human being that deserves more than what I have to offer.

As I get into the car, I couldn't help but hit the steering wheel, over and over..and over again. My hand keeps going, hitting the leather wheel, not caring about any pain I was enduring.

It was over, and over, and over, and over again. Hit this, hit that, get weird looks from people passing by, hit that again. Hit until you realize your mistake was for the better. Hit this again.

It was for the better. The fucking better. She won't find you again. You won't regret it later, just keep going.

"FUCK!" I shout, finally stopping. I rest my head on the wheel I just abused and breathe heavily. "fuck.."

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