Chapter 85. Yes.

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After going for another round in the shower, me and Ricky find ourselves at EJ's place. Just passing by that was all. It was hard to act like my legs weren't shaking like crazy, but it didn't matter since EJ noticed but didn't say anything.

We discussed the things that we were going to do for Christmas and turns out, EJ and Gina are going to be spending Christmas together alone too. He's going to fly over to her and they're going to just have a movie night with some cocoa. Sounds like a tight and nice plan if you ask me.

"So you guys are going to spend Christmas together too?" EJ asks, sitting down in front of us.

"Yeah." I answer. "Just us and once it's all over, we will finally get to go back to UCLA."

EJ flashes me a grin, telling me that he was happy for us. Though EJ knew everything and was sort of the reason I got shot, I really forgive him. He's a genuine guy, I know that.

"Well, 6 days until Christmas Eve. Do you guys want to see what I got Gina?" He asks excitingly. He's so happy with her, it's so unbelievable.

"Of course!" Ricky says, making EJ merely dash out of the kitchen and into his room.

Ricky chuckles, causing me to do the same. His laugh was contagious there was no doubt about that. I take out my phone and start going through Instagram. I feel Ricky's eyes on me but I don't say a word until he does.

"What do you want for Christmas?" He asks, causing me to raise a brow. You'd think he know how lucky I am to even be alive right now. A gift would just be unnecessary.

"Nothing." I state, not taking my eyes off the device in my hands. "I'm genuinely all good, I don't really want anything."

"What? You don't have anything in mind?"
I see him fidgeting with his truck keys. He had gone to the dealership and they let him keep it the truck until we had to leave.

"No, I don't think a gift would be necessary. Nothings in mind Rick."

"Even a little dinner? I mean we always go out but I just want to give something to you." His voice was soft and sincere. I know he meant well but a gift was once again, unnecessary.

I put down my phone and make eye contact with him, just to let him know I meant what I was about to say.

"You gave me happiness and support. Nothing can ever top that and if you really want to give me something," I take his hands, "then a little letter will do me just fine. It can be about anything, I don't care."

"A letter?" A small grin forms on his face, "Fine. It'll be the best letter you'll ever get though."

"Mm, I'm counting on it my love."

EJ quickly rushes back into the kitchen with a little velvet box in his hands. He sits across from us and slowly opens the box, revealing half a heart shaped necklace.

"I'm currently wearing the other one," he states before either one of us can say something. He pulls it off of his neck and puts it next to the one in the box.

Some Wonderstudies We Are, it says, causing both me and Ricky to smile. We understood what it meant to them..considering the fact that we're the reason why they were wonder studies.

"Do you think she'll like it?" He questions, "I know it isn't that romantic but Gina isn't too much into that stuff...Is she?"

"She'll love it EJ." I say, taking a closer look at it.

"Dude, You've got it in the bag." Ricky claims, making EJ smile ear to ear. Jesus, he is really excited to see her.

He puts the necklace back on his neck and tucks it into his shirt before closing the box.

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