Chapter 90. A Better Reason

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I find myself blinking my eyes open, the bright sun striking my face with seemingly absolutely no remorse what so ever. I run a hand through my face as I turn on my side, sliding an arm out to feel beside me, but no one was there.

Nini must've woken up before me.

I replay the bits and pieces of the dream I just woke up from, and it was a true nightmare. It gave me nothing but a better reason to not tell Nini.

I put an arm over my eyes and sigh. Why does everything go wrong when we just happen to be on the right? How am I suppose to fucking get her to not be mad at me because the truth just isn't going to be the right situation.

I push myself up and lean on the headboard. I look around the bright room and see absolutely no one. The bathroom door was open, telling me no one was in there.

I grab my phone from under the pillow check the time. It was 1:36 in the afternoon. We were suppose to go to the apartment Nini's parents were staying at.

She left without me.

I put my phone down and release a heavy sigh before pulling the blanket off of me. I get up and grab my bag, taking out a white button up dress shirt and black skinny jeans. I grab a belt along with it.

I go into the bathroom and reluctantly shut the door. All of my movements were slow and pasty. I felt so pathetic.

I'm relying on the little acting skills I got from school to lie and it's my choice. It's my choice to lie and I'm the one confused on why she hates me? I'm dumb and cocky. She's caught on.

I begin to brush my teeth.

*Flash Forward*
  I left Nini. I left my family and now, I've just started my own. Isn't that something?

I hold onto Athena as I feel Skye's eyes on me. The hospital was much colder than I anticipated, and I think the baby girl in my hands feel the same. I wrap the small blanket around her and hold her tightly. She was birthed just yesterday and I'll never be able to get the fact that I forced myself to do so many things I hated just for her.

"Richard," Skye says, causing me to lift my head up and meet her eyes, "do you really want to do this? You'll be alone."

I look at Athena and gaze at her brown in taking eyes before looking back up at Skye. "Yeah." I answer. "I really do."

I feel my eyes welling up at the sight, but I quickly push the tears back.

I stand up and head over to Skye, slightly rocking Athena. Skye was already up and getting ready to get discharged and sent back to jail. It seemed as if she needed more clarity than me at this moment.

I motion for Skye to take her, and she does, very gently. Guilt passes through my body, but it seemed as if I felt that a lot lately. I should be getting used to it if anything.

"Wow.." Skye mutters quietly, "its..going to be one of the last times I see your beautiful face baby girl."

I can't even imagine the pain Skye is feeling. She carried this baby for 9 months and went into labor for 7 hours just for her to be forced to give it up. A small tear streams down her face, causing me to wipe it off with my thumb. I find myself softly pulling her into a hug. I place a hand on the back of her head and embrace her. She cradles Athena in her arms.

"I'm sorry Skye." I state, "I'm sorry this is happening."

She releases a shaky breath. "Some things happen for a reason Richard. Can't do too much about it now a days."

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