Chapter 94. A Merry Christmas...For Now.

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Just some Christmas music to get you into the spirit even though it's fucking July :)
Don't ask about the animations, I just picked a random song that sounded good😂

   The movie finished way quicker than we thought it would. We had around 5 minutes left before midnight and we found ourselves  slow dancing to "Baby it's cold outside."

We had hung up some Christmas lights a couple of days beforehand. It's nice having all of the lights off and some red and green glimmering down on each other's faces. Obviously we aren't going to keep it up, we're in a hotel room.

I have a hand on her waist as she has one on my shoulder. Our free hands hold onto each other.

"How are you feeling?" I ask quietly as we continue to lightly sway.

"I'm okay. How about you? You ready for UCLA?" She lays her head on my chest.

"I'm good..and as ready as I'll ever be my love."

The music continues to fill our ears and force our movements. I rest my head on hers and grin. I hold her tight against my body.

*Flash Forward*
I unseat belt Athena with a large smile on my face. I give her a kiss on her forehead and put her in her baby carrier.

"You are bloody adorable Thena." I say, closing the car door. "It's cool since I know exactly where you got it from."

I drag my suitcase with one hand and carry the baby carrier in the other. I keep my black hat on, making sure it's almost covering my eyes.

I head into the airport and swipe a hand over my face. It was hard trying not be suspicious while looking extremely..suspicious.

As I head to the terminal, I hear an oh so familiar voice.

"Are you tired?" I ask softly. I keep my head resting on hers.

"Just a little. I'll be alright for a bit."

"What do you mean for a bit?" I chuckle. "If you are really tired we should just go to bed and have some fun in the morning."

"I'm okay babe. Plus, I think it's midnight." I raise a brow and look at my watch.

There laid the great 12:00.

"And you are right." I take my head off of hers and cup her face in my hands. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas."

I plant a kiss on her lips before cheerfully letting go of her.

"I wrote you that letter," I say, going over to the dresser. I take it out of one of the drawers and make my way back to her. "Here, let's sit."

She playfully scoffs and rolls her eyes before sitting down on the carpet. I sit in front of her, legs crossed. I hand her the envelope.

"You really made me one huh?" She grins, opening the envelope. She pulls out the letter and sets the ripped envelope under her leg.

"Of course, I keep my word." I smirk.

She unfolds the paper and begins reading. I keep a smirk on my face the entire time. I'm happy with how it turned out, I spent hours on it. Sure it was just a 3 paragraph letter but do you know how hard it is to fit all of my love into that? Hard..very hard.

Her eyes trail down the paper and it was getting hard to see her emotions. The paper was on her lap and she was just staring, head down. I swipe a piece of hair behind her ear and continue to watch her.

It wasn't until a couple of minutes later that she finally looks up at me. Her eyes were the slightest water, as if she only had yawned.

"Wow," she says with a smile on her face, "that..that's really sweet Ricky."

"I try," I joke. She giggles and looks at the letter over again and snorts.

"I don't know if you can tell but I'm trying really hard not to cry right now." She says, causing me to chuckle.

"I can tell." I hold my arms for a hug. She immediately throws herself into my body and I find myself laughing within seconds. I wrap my arms around her waist and hold her tightly. "I'm glad you like it."

"I love it, thank you." She pulls away from my arms. "Wait. Your gift."

"What?" I question.

"I got you something too idiot. Hold on," she gets up and grabs something out of her purse.

"You didn't have to do that," I rub the back of my neck.

"I know, I know, but that's just a little unfair." She says, sittings down in front of me and wiping her eyes. She hands me a thin piece of paper.

"What is this?" I ask, taking it.

"It's...a receipt."

I look through it but the purchase said nothing but Martin. I look at the price..and my face drops.

"I-..did you buy me a person named Martin Nini!?"

"What!? No," she jokingly scoffs, "babe it''s a Martin guitar. I know you don't have a guitar because you stopped playing once you moved to Chicago. It's coming tomorrow which sucks is Christmas but..I really want to see you play again."

"That's..that's really expensive Nini. Guitars aren't cheap."

"I know Rick..I bought it. Do you not like it? I can probably can-"

"What?! No..absolutely not. I love it..though I haven't played in a couple of years but.." I find myself taking her into my arms again. "Oh my god, thank you so much."

It was a thousand dollar guitar. With Nini's situation..this would be the last thing I'd figure that she would buy for me. I don't want to say anything about it because I know that she would feel like she's taken for pity.

"Of course, but once it better play me something." She runs a hand through my hair. "Merry Christmas Rick."

"Merry Christmas."

For Now.

I'm so pissed at myself! I need to follow my schedule but I'm busy and I CANNOT change the date for Don't You Remember😭 I need to get myself straight. I need to do an update tomorrow too so let's hope I get that in on time.

Enjoy Your Day or Night!

Enjoy Your Day or Night!-CR❤️

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