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Luke's POV

Manny's Mugs and Music. The best cafe out here in L.A. also known as the place where people comes to find their inspiration. It's also a place where anyone can express themselves which is why open mic is every night. My siblings, Lucy and Luis, and I come here everyday after school. It's like our second home. And we also work there, but ANYWAYS this is my favorite place growing up. Honestly the vibe in here is a mood when the clock hits at a certain time.

 Honestly the vibe in here is a mood when the clock hits at a certain time

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**********Radston Hill University**********

"Hey Luke we still meeting up after?" My best friend Amelia asked as we crossed path in the hallways while we head to our next classes

"Yeah just meet us in the parking lot." I said almost walking into the wall but luckily someone stopped me before I did. I turned around to see my girlfriend of 8 years. Valerie. We've been together since the 7th grade. I'm surprised that she's able to put up with my shit through all these years. And the fact she's the only girl I've ever been with, first girlfriend, first kiss, first EVERYTHING.

"Baby you gotta pay attention to where you're going." She giggled

"I am. As a matter of fact I'm improving my 'spidey' sense." I said with a confidence.

"You walked into the door last night at the cafe."

I tried to say something to defend myself but I got nothing.

"Wait how did you know? You weren't even there."

"Lucy told me. And plus you got small bruise forming riiight there" She said rubbing the spot in circles with her thumb right above my left eyebrow

Of course My sister , that big mouth, told her.

"Hey are you coming with us after school?" I asked her grabbing her hand. Hoping she'll say yes.

"I wish I could but my dad is having dinner with his boss and he wants us to be there with him. For moral support and stuff." She said as she played with my fingers.

"Oh that's right! Maybe next time." I smiled.

"Thank you for understanding. I gotta go. See you tomorrow night?" She looked at me with the most adorable look.

"Of course yeah." I leaned down and gave her a kiss.

I watched her walk away. Damn 8 years with that girl. How did I get so lucky.

I walked into class and first thing I see is my other best friend, Kirby, reapplying his make up. I sat down in my usual seat that is right next to him.

"I'm over this fuckin weather. Stupid ass heat wave got me all fucked up." Kirby said rolling his eyes.

"Why don't you use the waterproof makeup?" I asked.

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