What is going on?!

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"Ok Luke for this scene you're going to come in through the door and stare at the camera. Like Pretend to be like a villain that's making a comeback. I want to feel your badass energy! Let me feel your aura AND ACTION!" Rob yelled with so much passion.

My first camera appearance. Here I go.

I followed Rob's instruction and look dead into the camera with a hint of smirk on my face.

"I'm baaack" (Sorry I just finished rewatching Descendents 2)

After 10 hours of filming, we finally have break and thank god its a 2 hour break cuz I am dead tired. I saw in the corner of my eye Jordan and Lucy having a casual conversation. I walked towards them and flopped next to my sister.

"Can I borrow your phone? I gotta text Val." Lucy gave me her phone. And I walked into a secluded corner.

'Hey it's Luke, just wanna let you know I can't make it tonight we're gonna be filming all night. Rain check?'

'It's okay and yeah of course see you on Monday?'


I was about to text something dirty but I remembered that this is my sister's phone... oops

'Alright have fun babes xx'

Before I gave back her phone, i was trying to press the arrow on the left corner but it glitched a bit, showing me old messages between Lucy and Val from last week. I would've never snoop in my sister's phone but I saw my name has been mentioned a few times which now becomes my business.

I began to read the whole thing. And I couldn't believe it. You guys know that saying 'lurk and get your feelings hurt' yeah well now I kind of wished that I didn't read it....

I took a deep breath, I quickly closed my eyes and counted to ten.

After counting I exhaled out loud. Feeling a bit calm. I gave back my sister's phone and quickly walked away. I kept my head low and kept walking. Without looking to where I was going I bumped into someone, my instinct kicked in and quickly caught the person with my arm wrapped around their waist having our fronts pressed up together.

Please let it be a girl cuz the position that we're in right now is not exactly where I want to be with a dude.

"I am so so sorry it was my fault. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I said in a panicked tone. I looked into the person's eyes and thank you god it's a girl.

"Yeah no worries I'm good" She said lightly chuckling. I loosened up my grip and let go her once she was able to stand up straight.

Wow her voice is so soothing.

"If anything it's also my fault. I wasn't paying attention. I guess don't text and walk is now a lesson learned." She joked.

"I'm sorry let me introduce myself. I'm Sofia." She extended her hand for me to shake.

"Luke and Yeah I know who you are. You're the girl from that one episode of Austin and Ally." I shook her hand and wooooow her hand is so soft.

"I'm impressed that you actually remembered that." She said with a genuine smile

"I mean. It's not that hard to remember a pretty face" I shrugged my shoulders

She looked down and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Are you guest starring on Riverdale or something?" I asked the Raven haired girl.

"Oh um no I'm on another show actually it's next door I just came here to grab food." She pointed at the set behind her.

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