"...you made me into an Uncle"

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While everyone was chilling in the living room waiting for Sofia and Chloe to arrive, I volunteered to cook dinner with the help from Amelia. While I was making Italian dishes, Amelia was making Cuban dishes. It was kind of hard cooking with one hand but I'm boss ass bitch I got my ways.

Anyways, I couldn't stop thinking about the pregnancy test box, how can she not tell me about this? My best friend, hiding things from me. I'm hurt. Unless she wanted to tell Ross first then surprise us after?....

Nah fuck that! How dare she not tell me first?! I'm gonna fight with this bitch soon.

"Hey uh Sofia and Chloe are here" Camila peeked her head in.

"Ok perfect I'm just about done." Amelia said putting on her finishing touches.

"Same here" I salt bae the shit out of this dish.

I grabbed the pan and carried it to the dining table.

I helped Amelia carry the dishes she made and placed them on the table.

"Damn we really went all out." Amelia and I high fives.

"Holy shit are you guys trying to make us fat?" Camila asked with wide eyes.

"Yup" I said looking at our dishes proudly.

"Let's eat!" Amelia clapped her hands. Then passed the plates to everyone.

"Hey Chloe." I side hugged her. I glanced at Sofia.

"Hey—you." I fist bumped her.

Why the fuck did I do that? What the fuck!

"Hey-you." She said with a small smile.

I could feel all eyes on the both of us. Ok this just turned awkward. Chloe cleared her throat.. "oooh I see my favorite, Ropa vieja. Who made this?"

Amelia raised her hand up proudly. To be honest if she doesn't pull through on becoming a professional dancer, she could literally open up her own restaurant and business would be booming. That's our Queen Cuban Chef right there.

Instead of eating at the dining table we all sat around in the living room.

So far dinner is pretty decent, we're all having a good time, sharing a bunch of laughters since Lucy and Kirby are putting me on the spot. I really don't mind, but sometimes I just want to super glue their mouths shut.

"I'll be back with some drinks." Camila got up and left.

"So how long do need to wear the cast for?" Chloe asked.

"10 weeks but I can take off the arm sling in 2. Until then I should be fine."

"I GOT US SOME RED WINE!!!!" Camila came in with two bottles, everyone, but me cheered her on.

She popped it open and started pouring for almost everyone. The only people the declined it was me and Lucy.

I saw that Camila was about to take a sip. I remembered that you can't drink alcohol when you're pregnant.

"WAIT STOP!" I yelled out. I quickly took the cup from her. "You can't drink it!"

"You know what? Luke you've been acting so damn weird today. First you kept looking at me and now you're restraining me from my wine.. what's up with you?"

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