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**********Club Inferno**********

The whole night was full of laughter and dancing. everyone was having a great time. Seeing the smiles on my brother and sister's face made me happy. I watched everyone from the VIP area, I couldn't help but laugh at Lucy, Amelia, and Madelaine grinding on each other and acting like a fool. Sofia and Cody was dancing just like what every other couples does in the club. I look over to my left and saw Luis and Wesley, standing at the bar, hitting it off.

Camila was returning from the dance floor and plopped next to me.

"I love you sooo much Luke. You get on my nerves every tucking fime, but I love eweee."

"You're so drunk" I laughed out loud.

"Valerie is so dumb for hurting an amazing person like you. It's her loss. Now that you guys are broken up, I can finally say things that I've always wanted to tell her."

"And that is?"

"SUCK MY DICK! Choke on it and die"
She busted out into a fits of laughter.

When I say this girl is gone, she is gone gone...

"Give me her number I'll give her a mind of my piece right now" Camila juggled her words.

"As entertaining as it sounds, but no. You're too drunk. I don't want you to do anything stupid."

"I'm fine I'm not—

She stood up to fast and covered her mouth.

"Okay I'm drunk" she sat back down slowly and threw her head back against the seat.

I took a sip from my cup.

"Now why is the birthday boy here sitting down?"

I looked up and saw Sofia standing there wearing a very sexy dress that hugged every inch of her curves.

"I'm taking a small break from dancing."

She sat across from me and sipped on her cup.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" She asked.

"Yeah, it's been a long time since I've ever felt so genuinely happy. I guess surrounding myself with the people that I care about is what I needed."

"I'm glad that working out for you. Let's drink to that."

She lifted up her cup as I did the same. I chugged down my water, yes I was drinking water all night. Someone has to drive everyone home! I don't really mind since I'm not usually a drinker. Ok except the night where we raided Manny's cabinet. That was the first and last time I've ever drank alcohol and I was so fucked up.

As a drunk Sofia bopped her head to the music, I couldn't help but stare at her, Even though it's kind of dark here I could still somewhat see her face. Why do I have this feeling as if something's off? Wait where the hell is Cody?

"Carson! Where's Cody?"

"He left!" She yelled over the music.

"What happened?"

"We just had a small disagreement then he left!"

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