"..Does this count?"

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Sofia's POV

My hearts beating so fast as I raced down the airports corridor. After reading the intel I packed up everything up within the next minute. I just hope I made it in time. Seems like a lot of people booked their last minute flight also since it's a bit crowded. There were some people who recognized me and wanted to take pictures but I didn't stop. And now I feel bad.

I finally saw my gate, just a few feet away, only to see them closing the door. No no no no no!

"No no no is there anyway you could  open the door?!"

"I'm so sorry ma'am but once the door is closed we can't open it back up until the next plane arrives."

I'm too late.. FUCK

I ran my fingers through my hair. "I'll wait for the next plane."

Fuck this Fuck that fuck the airplane. This is so unfair. It's official, I'm gonna die alone. I feel like the universe doesn't want us to be together. What am I doing wrong? I left my first toxic relationship, I got a proper closure with Wolfgang, and now that I decided to go for the one person that I've always wanted, I had go through a bunch of obstacles.

I sat in a empty row and curled myself up into a ball and kept my head down.

I didn't realized 4 hours has passed. Damn I slept like this for a few hours?? I checked the time it was only 9pm. At this point I just want to stuff my face and cry. Well it's a good thing that McDonald's and Starbucks are still open I might as well stress eat while I'm at it.

"I'll have a large fries and 10 piece of chicken nuggets."

The cashier nodded and punched in my order then told me my total. I paid for then went onto the side and waited.

I pulled out my phone and was tempted to call Luke, but I was able to restrain myself. If only he came to the airport that night I left then we wouldn't be in this sticky situation. But it's also my fault for waiting. If only I didn't chicken out on the times I was "ready" to tell him.

The worker then called out order number, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Thank you." I took my food then went back to seat where I was once curled up into a ball.

I pouted each time I munched on a fry, only realizing that I ordered Luke's favorite basic McDonald's usual. I don't know why but I can't stop thinking about those negative thoughts about him finding another girl to move on and stuff.

Suddenly I felt my face melting. Oh wait never mind, I'm just silently crying. Why the hell am I crying?

You may or may not lost the love of your life...

Shut up conscience, no one asked you!

I friggen' lost my appetite!! Damn it! I feel bad for wasting food but I gotta throw it away before I start throwing up.

I went back to curling up into ball and cry silently.

"Rough day?" A voice spoke.

I looked up and saw Luke standing a few feet away from me.

"Does meeting you at this airport count?" He held up a blue envelope.

I was confused at first but looked closely what he was holding. And it was the letter I wrote 2 years ago.

"A certain friend held onto it when someone else knicked it from a basket of oranges." He said slowly walking towards me. "For the record, I would've came that night because I had.. and still.. have feelings for you."

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