"..I just wish he came.."

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I was breathing heavily as I ran through the woods. Just before I could start running again I tripped on a tree bark

"Oh shit." Is all I could say before falling.

"CUT! Luke are you okay."

I put my thumb up "I'm okay! Uh wait, I think I broke my ass!"

Everyone started laughing. Jordan and Vanessa helped me up.

"You good dude?" Jordan chuckled.

"Yeah I'm good."

I felt a smack on my butt, I gasped out loud and looked at Vanessa who kept a straight face.

"I think your ass is broken."

I pressed down on the spot that hurts. I winced in pain.

"I think I'm just gonna have bruise I'll be fine." I shook off the feeling cuz Uncle Manny didn't raise no bitch.

We went back to our spots and waited for Rob to say 'Action'.

"Cinnamon Apple Take 3"

I jumped up and down to loosen up my muscles and concentrated to get back into character.


Three three of us began to run again. I grabbed Vanessa's hand so she doesn't get left behind as I allowed Jordan to run ahead of us. We spotted the truck along with Camila, Drew, and Cole and on cue Vanessa tripped and yelled in pain.

Jordan made it to truck.

"STEFAN GO! Just leave me!"

"Like hell I am!! IM NOT LEAVING YOU HERE!" I quickly carried in a bridal style and bolted towards the truck. I could hear the footsteps of the people who were playing the ghoulies getting closer.

"START THE TRUCK!!" I Screamed and they did.

As scripted, I'm supposed to slowdown and start to feel winded out.




The car started to move and I was still running with Vanessa in my arms. 
A distance was starting to form between the car and me.

"Do you trust me?" I asked Vanessa.

She nodded as her eyes began to fill with worries. I used up the rest of my energy by pushing myself to run faster. I threw Vanessa and on cue Drew caught her and I stayed back as the ghoulies caught up to me.

"STEFAN!" Camila and Jordan screamed at the same time.

"And Cut!" Rob yelled.

"That was amazing guys go ahead and get hydrated and come back here in 20 minutes as we get ready for the last scene."

I walked back to the tent and met up with everyone.

"How the hell are you not tired from all that running?" Vanessa asked as she took a big gulp from her water.

"I played a lot of sports back then and I run almost everyday." I sipped on my water and sat next to Camila.

I pulled out my phone and saw that I got a text from Janel.

Pear-ish🍐🦋: What time are you guys coming back to the lot?

DevilChild🧸: not sure..we got one more scene to film then we'll probably come back after why?

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