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Dear Luke,

Ok that was weird since I've never called you by your first name. But anyways, it's currently 5am and this is my 7th attempt at writing this letter. And yes, I haven't slept yet. I know what you're thinking, "damn she could've just typed it out", I would but then what I'm about to write next is something I'd much rather write cuz then you'll know that its raw and real. First off I wanna say Thank you, for what you've done for me— especially when you helped me got out of a situation that could've kill me. Not only you became a best friend to me, but also a hero. There were many times where I wanted to tell you this, but I was afraid that our friendship would get ruined- and obviously I didn't want that to happen. So I just dealt with it on side. I like you—I've always liked you ever since we met. At first I thought it was just a stupid crush, but the more I kept denying it, it just grew stronger every day. I tried avoiding you at one point, but it didn't help when we were in the same building almost everyday. All those times we spent together, made me see how much of a great person you are. I love how you effortlessly make me smile whenever I'm with you, you somehow always turn an awkward into a joke, they way your dimples go deep when you smile, I like how competitive you get even though I'm competitive as well. your love for oranges is out of this world, and I like how you act like fool with me so that I won't look stupid alone.. I can go on and on but, I know that you could only tolerate that much sappy crap haha. I guess that's all I could say for now but yeah..
If what you were gonna say yesterday is what I think it is, then come to the airport tonight and I'll know. If it's not, then I got message and you can just disregard this whole letter. I know what my heart wants, I  just hope that you're heart feels same.

Lucy's POV

"We told you guys not to eat all those churros right before riding the teacup!" I scold the three stooges as I held Amelia hair back while she throws up in the trash.

"It was so good. I couldn't help—
Luis said puking his guts out as well.

"Well that's what you get for being a dumbass" Kirby yelled at Amelia, who stuck her middle finger at him.

"Here you go guys." Drew and Wolfgang came back with a bunch of water bottles.

I looked around and realized Sofia wasn't here. I pulled Wolfgang to the side and asked where she is.

"We broke up, I know for a fact that she's still in love with Luke, I'll never keep her from her source of happiness, so I let her go."

"Are you okay?"

He chuckled. "Yeah I'm just glad that we ended on a good note."

Wow what a man. Whoever is gonna be with him next will be a lucky woman.

I gave him sad smile, "you're a good guy, I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"That's okay, theres 7 billion people in the world, I'm sure I could find another one. Now come on let's get them cleaned up." He nodded towards the 3 puking musketeers.

"If You kiss me then we'll have issues" Chloe warn Thomas in the background.

I'm surprised my pregnant ass isn't fazed by the puke smell.

Speaking of my pregnant self. I still haven't told Jordan yet. I was supposed to tell him on the day we went to our dinner reservation back at Vegas, but we were stopped by fans. I just hope I'll be able to tell him by the end of the day.

"Aye this place is boujee as fuck thank god they sell toothbrush and shit." Camila came up with an armful of travel size mini oral hygiene bag.

"Bless you Cami" Luis went in for a kiss on the cheek only to have his face pushed away from Camila.

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