"... i'm rooting for you both.."

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I knew I needed to talk to Sarah but I didn't know how to start the conversation. Fuck I need to think quick!

"Uh- I- um— I'm sorry—

"No I should be the one apologizing, I'm the one who said all those fucked up things to you. IM sorry. I've wanted to talk to you earlier but I didn't want to add more fuel to the fire, you know? I was just scared that I might pushing your buttons or something— why are you trying to apologize?" She asked shyly.

"I was told why you two didn't come up to me earlier. It's because I made you guys feel scared and I'm sorry. I was never mad at you two. The whole bringing up my past relationship didn't really bother me at all. The only reason why I did the silent treatment because I got hurt on what you said to me afterwards."

"What did I say?"

"Well.. you kind of sort of brought up our past arguments and said that sometimes you wish you didn't get involved with me."

Sarah had a shocked look on her face. "I'm so sorry- Gosh I'm a fucking idiot—Fuck I'm so dumb." She whispered that last part before silently crying into lap. I scooted closer to her and rubbed the other side of her arm, reassuring her that I'm over it.

"You're not a fucking idiot.— it's okay. I'm over it. You needed to get some pressure off and you did it. So believe me when I say that I'm over it." I whispered to her.

We both continue to talk about what happened on that night for the next hour and I finally built up the courage to ask her the question. This could be another long conversation and I could tell she's getting cold. I took off my jacket and put it around her.

"Before we go in, I just have to ask you one more thing."

"Okay what is it?"

"How do you know about Valerie?"

The level of hurt and anger I'm feeling right now is unreal. It's like I could punch the wall with my broken arm. At this point, Sarah continues to cry. I just sat there with no emotion, didn't even take one look at her.

"Please say something." She took my hand in her, which I quickly got up.

"I think we're done here." My voice slightly cracked.

Before she could say anything I went inside walking in a fast pace not making any eye contact with anyone. Camila tried to stop me but I completely ignored her.

"Luke are you—

I cut her off by slamming the door.

This is getting too much.

I walked into our room to see the guys knocked out. I pulled out my bag and started to pack my stuff.

"Lucas che stai facendo?" (Lucas what are you doing?) Lucy walked up to me.

"Going home."

"Sarah came into the room crying, what the hell happened?"

"Don't worry about it." I mumbled.

Lucy tried to stop me from packing by blocking my way.

"Move Lucy.—

"No! per favore, fermati e parliamone" (please stop and let's talk about this)

"È tutto ciò che ho fatto tutto il giorno! I'm done talking!" (That's all I've been doing all day!)

"What the hell is going on?" Luis groggily woke up.

"Just go back to sleep" I demanded my brother.

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