Learning to Love Again

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"Where's Stefan?!" Cole held up a ghoulie by his collar. Damn. He was born to play Jughead Jones.

The ghoulie evilly smirked and slid his index finger across his throat indicating that I was gonna die.

"You son of a bitch! What did you to my brother!?" Jordan pushed Cole out of the way and 'punched' the dude.

On cue, I slowly lifted up my head and called out for him.

"SWEET PEA!" I yelled as loud as I can.

"Stefan!? Where are you!!"

The ghoulie's temporary top dog covered my mouth. "You're begging for a death wish aren't you."

He punched me with his brass knuckle. I spit out the fake blood. He got a hold of my hair and forced me to listen whatever he has to say. "Pull that kind of crap again. I'll make sure that your serpent friends will suffer the same way you did." He threatened.

I followed the script instructions and tried to spit at his face only to miss my target. We both bursted out laughing.


Everyone behind the camera started laughing.

"Damn I missed so bad."

"Bro I was literally right in front of you how the hell did you miss?" He said as we laughed even more.

"I don't even know." I laughed trying to calm down.

We went back to outlet same mark and re-shot the scene. It took me a lot of takes to aim good until I finally got it.

"Cut! And That's a wrap on Season 4!" We all cheered and the first person I went to hug is Camila.

"We did it!" We said at the same.

"Go head on to the buffet area and get your complimentary meal courtesy of the man himself Manny DeLuca." Rob pointed at Uncle Manny who was standing all the way in back.

"Lucas!" Jordan called out for me while holding a basketball. Ooh shit that's my love right there— Second from Sarah of course... Don't snitch on me...

"Teams or one-on-one?" I asked.

"One-on-one." He answered.

Camila stopped me then gave Jordan a worried look.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"What? It's just basketball, hey let make a bet." Jordan said patting down his pants to see if he can bet on it.

"Are you want to make a bet and play one-on-one with Luke?" She asked him one more time.

He pulled out his car key and wiggled it in the air.

"Loser has to give the winner their car." Jordan made his bet.

I gave Camila a 'don't worry' look. She then gave up and backed off.

"Okay deal" I said bringing out my car key.

"Wait isn't that car your brother and sister's car too?" Vanessa asked.

Luis and Lucy came up to us looking unbothered by the bet I made.

"Yup it's ours but I wouldn't worry too much." Luis said in a calm tone.

Before we started the game, I went to go change into something comfortable.

I came back out and saw that Jordan was ready. Lucy signal me to come.

"At least give him a chance." She whispered.

"Okay fine." I said whilst giving her my phone.

"Up to 10 points. Ready?" Jordan asked.

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