Famiglia, non importa cosa

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The three of us waited patiently. I sat there fiddling with my fingers. It's been a long time since we seen our dad. I hope he could recognize us. He was arrested for something he didn't do thanks to Lila. Fucking Puta. Because of her we didn't have a father figure until Manny took us under his wing.

The sound of the buzzer snapped me out of my thoughts. We were speechless the second our eyes laid on him. He actually looks pretty decent for someone whose been in prison for 15 years. He seems as shock as we are. The three of stood up from our chairs and waited for the guards to uncuff him. In the corner of my eye I could see Lucy and Luis trying to hold back their tears. He kept his eyes on us the whole time.

Once the cuffs were off Lucy and Luis ran up to him giving a big hug while I stayed back.

(A/N: I'm literally using google translate, my bad if I got some words wrong. Feel free to correct me please:) )

"i miei bellissimi figli" (My beautiful children) He whispered loud enough for me to hear him. He lets go of them and walked up to me.

My siblings knows that I don't like being vulnerable especially in public. But seeing my dad right now broke my streak. I didn't realize I was silently crying until he wiped my face.

"il mio bel ragazzo" ( my handsome boy) He said to me.

I went in for a hug causing me let out a small whimper.

"mi sei mancato tanto" (I missed you so much) I whispered. Luis and Lucy joined us.

"Guardate ragazzi, tutti cresciuti e molto belli, grazie a me" ( Look at you guys, all grown up and very beautiful, thanks to me) He joked.

The three of us laughed then unhinged ourselves from the hug. You can see where we get our humor from. We sat down at our table and started catching up.

"So how's my brother Manny? Does he still have that Mugs and Music place?" He asked with his thick Italian accent.

"Yeah, we actually work there full time now, since it's summer. Except Luke." My sister said.

"well I did work there but I got another job."

"What do you do?" He asked smiling.

"Remember when I told you what I wanted to be when I grow up?" I asked him hoping he'd remember.

"Yes of course, as a matter of fact I remember what all of you told me. you wanted to be a successful actor, Lucy wants to be the top greatest fashion designer, and Luis wants to be an astronaut."

"Actually... That was my 6-years old dream. I want to have a successful cosmetic empire. You know. Like Kylie Jenner." Luis said in with confidence.

"As long as you do what makes you happy I'll support you." He looked at at Luis.

"Lucas, about your job."

"Oh yeah. Um I'm on a tv show called, Riverdale. Hopefully it'll be my big break."

"Aye, sono felice per te figlio!" (I'm happy for you son!)

"Thanks papa. How's life behind bars"

"Not fun, I can tell you that I just can't wait to get out of here. I missed out so much. Birthdays, graduations.. all those things."

"Don't worry. Once you get out we can start making up for lost times." Luis reassure as he grabs his hand.

"I'm so sorry for what I did-

"Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything. We all know that bitch framed you." Luis said with a disbelief look on his face.

"You don't have to talk about you mother like that, she's still your mother."

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