"...I see you, Ms. Camila"

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10 weeks of wearing a cast. Nice. What sucks is that it's gotta be my dominant hand. I guess my left arm gotta do all the lifting from now on. It's a good thing Nicole is still finding more extras and added more roles to the movie. So that leaves me to use this time off to rest up. AND at least now I have time to myself. It's time for ME TIME. Hell yeah a big ass jigsaw puzzle for me to complete.


I looked out the window and saw Camila's car in the driveway. I stood up and opened the window.


I rolled my eyes and closed the window. I sat back down on the couch. I then felt my phone buzzed.

Cami💋🤮: Bitch I saw that eye roll, now get up and and get your ass in the car.

I groaned out loud as I lazily got up and made my way out the door. I had a disgusted look on my face as walked towards her car.

"Il mio tempo è il mio tempo. e tutto quello che voglio fare è completare il mio dannato puzzle. Invece questa cagna mi ha fatto uscire di casa per fare delle cazzate per lo shopping." (Me time is me time. And all I want to do is complete my damn puzzle. Instead this bitch got me leaving the house to do some shopping bullshit.) I mumbled under my breath.

I got inside the car and put on my seatbelt. I felt her giving me a hard stare.

"I saw your mouth moving before you came in. Talking shit in Italian again?!"

"Well you interrupted my ME time"

"Gross" she said while starting the car.

"Not that kind of me time. Plus I'm not left handed. So why me? Why can't Ross or any of the girls go shopping with you"

"Because everyone but you is busy. Plus I wanna know what happened between you and Sofia."

"Well nothing really happened, we just talk— wait how'd you know she was gonna be there?"

"She lives with Chloe. According to a certain interview She and her sister moved in with her not too long ago."

I didn't know that.

"Well there was guy who was canoodling with her while we were playing basketball. I'm assuming that's her boyfriend ? I didn't really get the chance to talk to him."

Camila's smile slightly dropped. "Is he cute at least?"

I gave her a weird look. "I don't know. But he looks like he treats her very good."

"Yeah, well that's what we said about Cody and look what happened, son of bitch turned out to be a A1 Abusive little shit. Valerie 2.0"

"For some reason it was awkward, like I didn't know what to say. It's like I just wanted to ask her, why did she ghost me for almost two years. But I didn't know how to ease into it." I slumped in my seat.

"Did any old feelings came back or something?"


Camila had a questionable look, I know she has something to say but decided to keep it to herself. For now.

I then explained the last conversation we had before I left for the hospital. And I'm the corner of my eyes, Camila's face lit up a bit.

"I thought we're going on a shopping spree? Why are we at Pharmacy?" I pointed out the window.

"I just need to get a couple med kits for the house. Stay here. I'll be back."

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