Trust the process

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"Alright everyone that's lunch." Rob called out.

As I walked off stage Camila signaled me to follow her.

"What's up?"

"Nothing I just wanted to talk and see how you're feeling?"

"I'm okay."

We stopped walking.

"Alright enough! I'm tired of hearing you say that you're fine. You're clearly not fine. You've been acting different for the past few months."

I haven't told anyone besides Kirby,  that Valerie and I broke up. I just don't think anyone would be interested of knowing what happened between us.

"We broke up. No big deal." I shrugged.

"Oh my gosh. Why didn't you tell me this!?" She smacked my arm.

"I didn't think it was worth mentioning and plus you never really liked her anyways."

"Ok yeah true, but that doesn't mean I don't care about your well-being. You are my best friend and my family, you have no idea how much I care about you. I can see it your eyes that you're hurting so please, let me help you."

Half an hour passed and two of us decided to do something that was supposed to make me feel better.

Right now we're at the other side of lot where people doesn't pass through much, it's kind of sort of empty. Oh my gosh is she gonna kill me?!..... Cuz I'm totally fine with that.

"Why are we here?" I asked looking around for people.

"Just wait." Camila said as she was on the phone. A few minutes later. Jordan and Drew showed up with a metal barrel with Madelaine following behind them carrying a duffle bag.

"What's in the bag?" I asked.

"I texted Lucy to drop off a bag of Valerie's things that was sitting in your room." Camila smiled.

My heart ached at the mention of her name. It's been 3 months since the break up but the wounds still feels fresh. And Valerie's things that was in my room, I meant to give it back, but I never really got to it.

"Ok boys. Light up the barrel." Madelaine clapped in excitement.

"Ok the five of us are gathered here today to cleanse our aura, letting go of the past. Maddi would you like to go first?" Camila stuck out her to Madelaine.

She nodded and stepped up to the lit barrel. She had a book in her hand that was decorated with sparkles and paint. Just like an average 12 year old girl would have, full of scribbles of a boy's name they had a huge crush on. My sister used to do that, but now she stalks them on Instagram.

"I've wrote in this journal ever since my boyfriend- oh sorry, EX-boyfriend and I started dating. At that time I didn't really have any best girl friends to talk too. So I just wrote in my journal. All I wrote about is how much I loved him, how happy he made me, and how I thought we were gonna have a future together."

She took a deep and continued her speech. I couldn't tell if she was sad or mad.. Unless she's both..

"Now that we have broken up, this book are now filled with lots and lots of bullshit." She said with a straight face.

I felt that.

"But it's a whatever now, that blondie can have my leftovers." She smiled and tossed the book into the fire.

Jordan and Drew snapped their fingers. Camila and I joined them.

"You get the gist of what we're doing now?" Camila asked me.

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