Day 2

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Day 2 of the trip.

"Say hi to the vlog" Lucy pointed the camera at me. I smiled and said "Hi to the vlog!"

Lucy playfully rolled her eyes. "So where we headed off too?"

"New Mexico then New Orleans!" I cheered. I can't wait til we arrive to New Orleans. Going there has always been a dream of mine. I heard they'll be have a Roaring 20's theme party on the streets by the time we get there. If you guys watched The princess and the frog, then you'll know what I'm talking about.

I could feel two pair of eyes watching me from behind. Lucy had a little talk with them and I could tell they feel really bad especially Camila. She knows that doing this silent treatment doesn't bother me. I'm just waiting for an apology then I'll be okay with them.

After Lucy stopped pointing the camera at me, my face went back to its frowning state. Sofia noticed and gave me her other half of orange.

"Thank you" I mumbled with a half smile.

"Turn that frown upside down DeLuca." Sofia said pushing the corners of my mouth upwards. Once she let go of me. I forced a fake ugly smile "good enough" She chuckled.

I glanced at my brother and sister who was sitting in front of us and they both look stressed out. I pulled out my phone and texted them.

fratellino👶🏻 (baby brother): What's wrong with you two?

Grande Fratello🧑🏻 ( big brother) : Dont worry about it.

Fratellino👶🏻: come on guys what happen to not keeping secrets from each other??

sorella maggiore👩🏻 (Big sister) : Luis he's gonna find out anyways we might as well just tell him.

Grande Fratello🧑🏻: Fine, but you have to promise not tell Uncle Manny that we told you.

Fratellino👶🏻: Yeah of course.

Sorella Maggiore👩🏻: Zia Valentina è tornata (Aunt Valentina is back)

I slowly looked up at them with an angry look. "What the fuck do you mean!?"

Everyone else had a confusing terrified look on their face from my sudden outburst. You're probably wondering who tf she is and all that. Well she's my dad's and Manny's sister. Just like my siblings and I, they are also triplets. She's like another version of my mom minus the physical abusing, she's more of a mental abuser. And when I say she will get things done her way, she will do it. even it means tearing family apart. I remember back in high school our basketball team won states championship so Uncle Manny rented out this inflatable place for us to celebrate. Then Aunt Valentina crashed the party and humiliated me in front of my friends. She claimed to be joking around, but it's not funny when you have a grown ass women guilt tripping a minor. When I say I hate this woman, I really mean it.

This trip just keeps getting better and better.

We made it to New Mexico and the first thing I did was take a major shit at the gas station's restroom. The place was disgusting but it was worth it because now my stomach feels awesome.

After I was done, I cornered my siblings and confronted them.

"What do you mean she back?" I looked at both of them dead in the eye.

Sofia's POV

"..That's the thing he can do this silent treatment like it's nothing." Camila said with her mouth full of ice cream.

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