Big Break?

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3:40 A.M I'm supposed to be up at 5:30 But I couldn't sleep. This whole night was just a bunch of tossing and turning in my bed. I wish I could say that I was feeling nervous, but no. I guess it's just one of those nights where you have a nightmare. And the fact I've been having the same nightmare for the past couple months and the only person that knows about it is Lucy. I wish I could tell Luis but I've always went by a saying 'the less people that knows, the better'. Plus, Lucy is a very light sleeper and she's the one who hears me scream at night..

Right when I was about to completely fall asleep again, Before I knew it my alarm went off. Fuck man... With my eyes still closed I crawled out of bed and successfully opened the door trying to make my way to bathroom until I felt a sharp pain on my right shoulder. There it is, I bumped into wall again. Just like my clumsiness at the cafe it's also a daily thing in this house. So any loud crashing sound doesn't faze anyone they just know it's me walking into the wall again.

"Ow fuck you" I opened my eyes and pushed the wall then began squaring up with it.

"Luke don't fight with the wall again." Said Luis walking pass me going downstairs.

I went into the bathroom to start doing business then began getting ready for the day.

I casually walked downstairs and found everyone all ready to go, except Uncle Manny who has already left for work.

"I'm surprised the both of you actually came here on time." I joked to Amelia and Kirby.

"Oh honey, if only you knew how important on meeting KJ and Jordan is for me." Kirby said applying his blush.

"Yeah and don't forget Cole." Amelia added as she sips on her coffee.

"You guys are gonna love them. I promise you they don't bite." Camila reassured us.

"Sis, Jordan can take a bite out this ass any day ." Kirby smirked.

I chuckled at his remarks. God please look over KJ and Jordan today. Thank you.

"The car is here." Lucy called for us.

**********On set**********

This is so cool I've always wanted to see what it looks like behind the camera. I examine the room one more time until I see two girls coming up to us. Oh my gosh Vanessa Morgan and Madelaine Petsch. They are definitely endgame.

"Hi you must be Lucas. Cami has been talking about you nonstop last night." Madelaine greeted me with a beautiful smile.

"Luke is fine. Wow the both of you looks even more beautiful in real life." I said admiring their looks.

"Charming and good-looking. That's a dangerous combo right there." Vanessa joked.

I chuckled.

"Once you guys get to know him, you'll see the little asshole in him." Camila added.

"Oh come on I'm not that bad." I defended myself

Camila gave me that 'boi if you don't' look.

"Yeah you right" I said changing my mind. I can be a bitch sometimes.

The girls laughed at our antics.

"Oh and this is—

I was about to introduce my friends and siblings but I turned around only to find my brother Luis.

"Where'd they go?" I asked Luis.

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