What a day

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My phone has been going off all morning. I'm convinced that my phone is broken againbecause all I see is Val's contact name popping up every second, which is fucked cuz I just got this phone. I chose to ignore all her calls and texts today with that being said, I decide to put my phone on Do Not Disturb. However it's still not helping, I couldn't even go twitter without getting a phone call. I turned off my phone and put into my pocket.

I patiently waited in the parking lot of Zoey's school. Usually I'm an impatient person but when it comes Zoey, I'm ok with it. She's like a little sister to me and I'll do anything for her.

I softly tapped the steering as I waited. I looked around and saw that the school changed a lot from when I used go here. I remember getting in trouble a lot for fighting. One of my teachers would tell me that I don't have to be a bad boy to impress any girls. And let me tell you. I was pissed when he told me that. I wasn't trying to impress anyone, I just so happen to fought with the bullies who were messing with my siblings and friends. And for the record the only girl I wanted was Valerie.

I didn't realize I was daydreaming until I heard a knock on the passenger window. I looked over and saw Zoey with a giddy smile. I unlocked the car and she comes in.

"What up kid. Did you let your mom and Dad know that you're with me?"

"Yup, they're ok with it, I just have to be home by 7 or whatever."

"Ok. Wanna get something from Manny's before we go?" I asked the 12 year old.

She nods her head as she puts on her seatbelt. I turned the car on then drove to Manny's.

"Lucy! Luis!" Zoey yelled as we walked into the cafe.

"Zo!" They exclaimed as they welcomed her with open arms.

I walked past them and sat on one of the barstool and waved at my one of my most favorite co-worker Patty. A 49 year old from New Orleans. every time she talks she has that thick accent oh and just wait until you hear her sing. She made me fall more in love with jazz. To me she's the definition of a beautiful Black Queen.

"Hey Sugar long time no see." Patty said with her infamous smile.

"Hey mama's how was your vacation?" I asked.

"Oh it was wonderful it's been a while since I've seen my family and it felt so good to be back there, but I'd rather much be here."

"Why? New Orleans is like the best place to be especially with those jazzy vibes at night. One day I'm gonna bring the love of my life there."

"Oh! That reminds me. Here is the necklace you asked for Valerie." She handed me a blue box. I opened it and my face drops.

"Whats wrong? Did I get the wrong one?" She asked with a worried tone.

"No it's perfect it's just that— I uh - I don't think I'm gonna be needing it right now. I should've called and let you know— oh man I feel bad, it must have been a hassle for you to find this and—

"Lucas. You're rambling. Breathe in" She inhaled. I copied her.

"Breathe out." She exhaled. I exhaled and bit the side of my cheek from the inside.

"Is there something wrong between you and Valerie?"

I looked down at my hand and around me to see if it was busy and surprisingly it wasn't I recollected myself as I looked back up to Patty.

"Things are just getting complicated again. Look I'll pay you back as soon as I get enoug—

"Oh nonsense sugar! If anything whether if it's for Val or not, I want you to give it to the person that you feel like is right for them. Hold on to it. Plus I finessed my cousin on making that necklace for free" She said looking serious after saying that last part.

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