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It's been two weeks since Lucy and I saw our 'mom'. It turns out she has a role on the PLL Spin off. Am I ecstatic about this? No. Am I proud of her? Maybe. That woman caused so many problems in this family, like just hearing her name makes my blood boil. The fact that she's still with that lowlife asshole makes things 10x worse. Like how fucking dare he shows his face! His ass should be in prison!No wait..his ass should've gone through a death penalty! After we saw them Luis, Lucy, and I agreed that it's better if they don't come on set with me anymore, just for their safety.

I walked into Manny's Mugs and Music and saw the same average amount of people that would come in everyday. And the first person I saw was Amelia in her work uniform standing at the podium.

"Hey Mel" I greeted her.

"Hey slugger. What are you doing here? You're not working today."

"I know. Luis and Lucy went to go buy the decorations for the cafe so I told them to drop me off here.."

"Ah I see. So You want something to eat?" She asked taking out her pen and paper.

"Yes, I'll have my usual."

"Ok I'll bring your food to you."

I nod my head then walked to my usual booth that's in the back of the cafe next to the window.

I pulled out my homework and began to work on it.

10 minutes later, Amelia brought my food. Cheeseburger with a side of onion rings and fries and a large chocolate milkshake.

"Thanks Mel."

"Mhmm you eat this almost everyday I'm surprised that you're not getting fat." She chuckled.

"Did you forget that I have a high metabolism?"

"Oh right, but don't you get sick of eating the same food over and over again?" She playfully roll her eyes.

"Don't you get sick of loving BTS over and over again?" I shot back with a smirk.

"Hey! You leave my hubbies alone!" She flipped her hair and walked away.

I chuckled and shook my head. I love Amelia. She's stupidly amazing.

I regained my focus and continued to do my homework.

2 hours later, I finally finished all my work. Until I got a notification from one of my professor saying that he just added a new assignment that's due tomorrow. I groaned out loud and frantically ran my hands through my hair. College can suck it!

I bury my head into my book and I can feel myself crying in the inside.

"Rough day?" A familiar voice said out loud.

I looked up and surprisingly saw Sofia standing there in some sweat pants, a black hoodie and her hair in a high ponytail. She had a small grin on her face. I quickly straightened my posture. Oh gosh I probably look like shit.

"I-uh- well it's college. when am I not having a rough day" I said honestly.

She chuckled and picked up one of the paper.

"I don't think this is correct." She smirked.

I looked at the problem that she pointed out and it's the one where I scribbled 'FUCK THIS' right under the question.

I nervously smiled "I swear I was gonna solve it later"

"Yeah sure you were." She laughed.

I chuckled and stared out the window for a second.

"Um- would you like to join me in my depression session?" I offered the empty space in front of me.

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