18 years ago

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18 years ago...

The yelling and fighting hasn't stopped ever since the passing of Senior DeLuca . All the fuss about the inheritance money being split equally into 3 wasn't cutting it for Valentina. The idea of having more money equals more power was so embedded into her head that she won't care what will happen to the family as long as she gets what she wants. As the eldest, Marco made sure all three of them will have their share. But of course, The mother of Marco's children, Lila, and his 'lovely' sister, Valentina, teamed up to put him behind bars. Causing the two witches to keep the money for themselves.

The fact that Lila didn't use the money for her kids, the money was mostly used for alcohol, Roger's drugs, hooker clothes— all those useless shit. No one exactly knows the real reason why Valentina hates her brothers.. Not even her sidekick Lila knew. However, the only person who knew was Senior DeLuca. Just like Manny and Luke, he had a journal, hidden somewhere in the family house back at Italy. Sadly the young triplets doesn't know that much about the Italian side of the family, as well as the Mexican side.

Before Marco was put behind bars, little did he know, his 5 year olds, had always been eavesdropping every time there were arguments between him and his wife. He caught them one time and he tried his best to reassure them that everything's okay. Luis and Lucy obeyed their father's request to not eavesdrop anymore. Except for Luke, that's he began to see his mom's true colors. He may be 5 years old but he catches on pretty fast to understand what's happening behind closed doors.

As the Red and blue lights were bouncing off of Luke's face, the 5 year old stayed hidden behind the couch as he watches the men in uniform slap the cuffs on his dad's wrists.

"...anything you say or do will be used against you in a court of law..."

Once the front door closed leaving Lila sigh in relief, Luke attempted to discreetly come out from behind the couch and into his room, but he was stopped by getting shoved to the wall.

"You're pretty stubborn aren't you!? I told you to stay in your room!!" She aggressively yanked Luke by his shirt.

"Why you lie to the man? Papa didn't do anything bad."

The smell of alcohol invaded Luke's nose as he struggled to cover up the stench only to have his mom assuming he's trying to swing causing her to whack the kid across his face. Behind the mother and son, sat the two other mini DeLuca's at the top of the stairs watching with a sad and terrifying look on their face. Another whack echoed throughout the house causing Luis to flinch almost dropping the ice pack that's against his eye.

A millions thoughts has been running through Luke's head, one of it being about when the beating the current beating will stop. At this point the five year old's body went numb as his eyes closed, but that didn't stop the woman. A few minutes later, the mother stopped and had a satisfied look on her face. She took another swig of beer that was opened from yesterday. Gross. The two other kids hid behind the curtain as their stumbles into her room locking herself in the for the rest of the night.

Luis and Lucy quietly made their way to Luke who was knocked out cold. Lucy rubbed his arm to warm him up a bit.

"We'll sleep on the couch, we can't carry him upstairs, I not strong enough." Luis whispers to his sister.

She nodded and struggled to help her older brother carry the youngest to the couch.

"I comeback." Luis informed them.

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