"...Let's go make some memories.."

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"for sure I didn't tell her anything." Sofia said stuffing her face with pasta.

"I know, I believe you. I just wanna know who told her." I rested my chin on my hand.

Sofia sighed. She could tell that this is bothering me a lot.

"I'm sorry for being a Debby downer, this trip was supposed to be the happiest time of our lives and I'm ruining it." I mumbled.

"Hey, it's not your fault.— look at me." I looked up to her. "If anything, I give you major props for going through all these bullshits you either express your feelings out or you just keep it to yourself. The fact that you try to deal with things by yourself, that's says a lot about you and I like that. You're the definition of what a strong person is. Just remember that you're not alone. I'm not going anywhere. We've seen each other at our lowest point, there's no need to be ashamed of asking for help. I'm always here for you."

I stared off to the side thinking what I'm going to say to her. "I guess I still have that mindset where I thought doing things on my own won't make me feel like a burden to others."

"You'll never be a burden to me.." She reaches for my hand across the table then quickly pulled away.

I cleared my throat. "Let's go." I said putting money on the table.

"Where are we going?"

"Exploring, I don't wanna sad and angry this whole trip, let's go make some memories." I lifted up the vlog camera.

"Hey Carson" I nodded towards the street jazz entertainment.

She smiled then dragged me to them. I started recording the jazz people. Everyone began to surround them. At this point every single one of us began vibing. I decided to do something I've always wanted to try.. Swing dance..

I nudged Sofia. "Can you swing dance?"


I took her hand and spun her around. She realized what we're doing and started getting in rhythm with me. We both couldn't stop laughing and smiling. Someone put a bucket on the ground to put money and stuff. By the time the song ended everyone around us clapped and cheered. We saw that the bucket was filled with money, Sofia and I looked at each other and had the same thought. I gave the money to the street performers, who were playing the jazzy the music.

"But it's yours." One of the teenagers put his instrument down.

"No, it's yours you guys earned it." I smiled at them. The three of them looked at each other and smiled.

"Thank you so much" The girl said in her thick New Orleans accent. Reminds of mama Patty. I should definitely give her a call later, I miss her.

"You're welcome, hey, keep doing you mamas I believe you guys are gonna be famous one day." I leaned towards them a bit with a smirk and whispered "I'm speaking it to existence" I winked. They chuckled and got shy.

Sofia and I put the bucket down in front of them then walked away.

"You two are a beautiful couple." This old lady complimented us.

"Oh- No we're not—

She walked away with a smile and breathed out. "Talented kids these days."

Sofia and I looked at each other for a second then laughed it off.

The two of us walked throughout French Quarter and we ended up on the cruise port watching the ships sail by.

"So you and Wolfgang? Sounds like you two are getting serious."

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