Moving on

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"I need your opinion.. Black or red?" Camila asked holding up the lingerie. I look up from my phone.

"Does it matter?" I asked in a monotone.

"Yes! This is the first time in years that I'm gonna get laid so yeah it's a big deal, now choose red or black??"

"It's just sex, you gonna end up taking it off anyways"

"It's not just sex. It's gonna be special because i'll be with Ross."

"Butler? Since when did you start seeing him? I thought you were gonna work things out Charles."

"Yes Butler, we stayed in contact after he left Riverdale and Charles can choke on my dick. So please just choose."

I rolled my eyes and observed each lingerie.

"Black, it compliments your complexion."

I look back at my phone and continued to read the last 48 text messages that I've sent to Sofia and no reply from her. I tried calling but it goes straight to voicemail. She probably has a tight schedule or something.

"Luke, you've been staring at that for a while now. I'm sure she'll get back to you soon.

"It's been two months, I text her at least twice a week and every time I try to call it just sends me to her voicemail. I-Is it me? Did I do something wrong?!" I tossed my phone on the bed And smothered my face with one of Camila's stuff animals.

"What about Wesley?"

"He hangs up the phone whenever I ask Luis if I could talk to him, so I'm not expecting him to answer any of my phone calls."

"You know what, you've been depressed for far too long let's go out tonight."

"Aren't you gonna get laid ?"

"Well yeah, I'm gonna bring Ross and we'll make a beautiful drunk love story."

Sometimes I question my friend's decision making but I let her do her, whatever floats her boat.

"Plus there's gonna be a lot of hot girls tonight." She said trying to lighten up the mood.

I kept a glum look on and stared at her.

"Turn that frown upside down!" She lifted both of the corners of my mouth. Once she let go it went to its normal depressed glum look.

"You said that liking Sofia is just a phase what changed?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I guess knowing that I didn't say anything to her just bothers me—fuck I should've told her. I'm such an idiot. What if she found someone in Canada. Maybe that why she's ignoring me. Giving all her attention to some guy she met. While I'm stuck here lonely, struggling to get over a girl that I didn't have even have— Cam.. I'm gonna die alone."

"No you're not. I'll help you get over her. We're going out tonight and that's final!"

I'm excited but nervous at the same time. Camila has a lot of beautiful friends but I never did payed much attention to them. But that's gonna change. Camila's right I shouldn't be hung up on one girl. there are 7 billion people in the world and I'm chasing after a girl that doesn't even want me.

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