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"You kissed her what the hell is wrong with you!?" She lightly smacked my arm.

"Technically, she kissed me first—

"But you kissed back!"

"I KNOW!! IT WAS WRONG, but it kinda felt right." I slightly lowered my voice.

"She has a boyfriend, who also is your best friend."

I ran my hands through my hair.

"Fuuuck I know! I'm gonna lose two friends.."

"How did it happen anyways."

"I carried her up to my room since you took the guest room, I guess she kind of woke up then asked me to stay with her for a while, so I did— but I didn't lay down next to her. I sat on the floor until she fell asleep-

I stopped. Suddenly a memory popped up. A memory that I remembered vaguely.


"She said something about Cody then started crying about how the bruises on her body would always ache after leaving his house."

Camila's face changed real quick.

"Oh my gosh. He's abusing her isn't he?"

My heart is literally aching right now. I'm getting the craziest déjà vu right now. I shook it off not wanting to think about it too much, but that's all I could think of. Fuck I dropped her off at his house too!

"But he seems like a nice dude. We didn't have any problems or anything."

"You mean YOU didn't have any problems with him, but who knows deep down maybe he has something against you."

"But I didn't do anything to offend him, but he has a reason to hate me now."

It got silent for a few seconds.

"I know this is a serious matter but you still didn't say how you both kissed."

I cleared my throat and continued the story.

"Seeing her cry made me feel bad for her, so I did what most people would do, I tried comforting her. Then I didn't realize she was leaning in and yeah."

"At least you guys didn't have sex, that would've been a different ass story."

"Yeah no of course we didn't go that far, I did kiss her a bit, but I pushed her away after because I felt guilty."

I know I'm gonna have to tell Sofia about this, but I just can't believe that Cody would do something to hurt her. When we met he's like a nice dude, the three of us hung out a lot. I mean if he does have a problem with me then he could've of just tell me.

"As much as I don't want to think the worst possible scenario, but when we were in the club. I noticed something about Sofia's face."

"That she's beautiful? Damn I know, if I was a lesbian I'd date her too—

"No- I meant something different."

"Like what?"

"What would you think if you saw that one eye is darker than the other?"

"Oh sweetie, you know that feeling when you're horny, your eyes will be filled with lust—

"Bitch no! Yes I know that feeling but that's not what I meant! It looked like she was covering up a black eye."

"How the hell could you tell, we were in the club... very drunk."

"Yeah we were in the club but I wasn't drunk- I know what I saw"

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