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The pain starts in my chest,
Spreading across slowly,
Wrapping itself around my heart,
Like the prickly thorns of a rose bush,
But they're burrs,
Sticking to my aorta and ventricles,
Blocking the pipelines,
Clotting my system with thoughts of rage,
With icy cold stillness blanketing the surface.

The stinging begins in my eyes,
An itchy saltiness,
Burning my pupils,
As they fill with hot tears,
But it feels like acid,
Corrosive on the retina,
Blinding me from seeing the signs.

The confusion begins in my stomach,
Churning exhaustion with Cheerios,
Dissolving hatred into my intestines,
Like a sour candy puckers one's tongue;
But the candy is coated in poison.

The throbbing begins in my temples,
A constant ache,
Stabbing my brain,
As the memories fade,
But your fantom lips kiss my forehead,
Warming the frosty walls that surrounded my shell,
Relieving my temporary depression with contact.

The pain started in my chest,
And you promised me
A permanent fix,
Like the sun rise on a Friday;
But now the sun doesn't rise anymore.
Sinking, it meets Flounder and Dory,
Watching bubbles of love float towards the sky above,
Missing its old home,
With the palette of emotion.

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