No. 4: Bunty

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Newt was taking Tina to his home in England. Tina was excited to see how Newt lived; he was such an interesting person and so different from everyone else. They had just go off the boat, and Tina was buzzing with excitement.
"Oooo nearly there! I want to see your baby nifflers!!" She squealed happily like a child.
"You can in a bit, I just hope Bunty has been feeding the creatures whilst I've been gone." Newt replied. He wasn't sure Bunty would like Tina, as Bunty clearly had a huge crush on Newt, and had done for a long while.
"Bunty? Who's Bunty?" Tina asked. She needed to know that Newt wasn't taken.
"Oh, just my assistant." Looking at the look on Tina's face, he added, "there's nothing between us but friendship."
They arrived at Newts house. It was small, and very cute.
"Do you like it? It's not much, but it's home!"
"This is the best house I've ever been to!" Tina replied, grabbing Newts hand in happiness. Newt was taken by surprise by this sudden act of affection, but held her hand back. They looked at each other for a while, before Newt broke the romantic silence.
"We should go inside, it's cold"
Inside, Newt heard a crash from the kitchen. He got out his wand, and beckoned for Tina to follow, silently. He peered round the corner, and noticed something small and black swinging on the switch for the lamp.
"Newt, is that the..."
"Baby niffler, yes, one of them. The others are probably round her somewhere."
Newt and Tina gathered two of the nifflers, and sent them down the stairs gently, before noticing the final niffler on a bottle of wine. The cork stopper flew out with the force of the liquid, and carried the niffler down into the basement.
"BUNTY!" Newt shouted, running down the stairs, "Bunty the baby nifflers are loose again."
Tina followed Newt down the stairs to reveal an epic basement with animal enclosures. Newt and Bunty worked together to catch the nifflers, whilst Tina looked around. She came to the edge of a water filled enclosure. She was looking over the edge, when she felt herself falling. She screamed and landed in freezing cold water.
"TINA!" Newt shouted.
"Who's Tina, Newt?!" Bunty asked, panicky.
Newt took off his waistcoat, and handed it to Bunty.
"Perhaps you should take off your shirt?" Bunty asked hopefully. Newt glared at her and jumped into the water. He came up, holding Tina tightly. Tina kissed him. He had saved her. They got out of he water, holding hands and Bunty handed them both a towel, jealously. She walked off, to go to sit on the stairs. She started to cry. Newt was taken.
Tina felt the need to talk to Bunty. She seemed like a nice woman, but it was obvious the really liked Newt. She went and sat next to her.
"Hey Bunty, are you ok?"
"Well, no not really."
"Oh, do you want to talk about it?"
"Ok. I guess, it's just I've always liked Newt, but he obviously really likes you. It's just ruined all my dreams. I was going to ask him. Today. And there's no chance now."
Tina started to cry as well now. She felt very sorry for Bunty. Her and Newt were obviously very close.
"It's ok though Tina. I'm happy for you. Besides, my friendship with Newt is much more important that whether I date him or not. All I really want is for Newt to be happy. And he obviously is with you."
They both hugged each other, and Newt was watching from the Kelpie enclosure, in awe. Both women were crying over him. He walked over to them, and pulled them both in for a hug.
"You are both such crybaby's" he said, laughing. Both girls laughed as well, as they headed up to the kitchen for some food.
(A/N I like Bunty in this one, all she wants is for Newt to be happy, and I love that. Bye for now!)

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