No. 22: Children!

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• Phoenix Maximus Scamander. He is their first born, born on 17th November, 1935. He has his fathers hair and eyes, and is a Gryffindor.

• Ella Fawn Autumn Scamander. She is their second born, born on 27th February, 1939. She has her mothers hair and eyes, and has freckles like her father. She is a Hifflepuff.


• Ophelia Aurora Kowalski. She is their first born, born on 18th August, 1935. She has blonde hair and brown eyes, and is a Legilimens. She is a Gryffindor.

• Theodore Joseph Kowalski. He is a twin, born on 12th June, 1939. He has brown hair and brown eyes and is also a Legilimens. He is a Ravenclaw.

• Belle Leanne Kowalski. She is also a twin, born on 12th June, 1939. She has brown hair and eyes, and is also a Legilimens. She is a Ravenclaw.


• Alexa Hazel Scamander. She is their only child, born on 6th June 1934. She has light brown hair and dark eyes. She is a Slytherin.

That's that. I came up with their names a long time ago, but I managed to forget all the middle names and birthdays and houses and whatever, so I've redone them all.

Stay safe!

Peace, Liv.

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