No. 29: Bunty ( rewrite )

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Newt and Tina had decided it was a good time to go and see Newts home in England. Tina was ecstatic. To her, Newt was one of the best human beings she had ever been acquainted with and she was exited to see the way he lived when he wasn't with her in New York.

"You're not lying? You really have baby nifflers at your house?" she asked, smiling.

"I don't lie, Tina! If Buntys forgotten to feed them however there's, well theres a first time for everything." He replied with a small laugh. He was anxious for Bunty and Tina to meet. He wasn't sure now they'd get along. He wanted them to be friends. He really did. But with Tinas, well, temper and Bunty always wanted to be the only woman in the house and always wanting to be near Newt ( which confused him a lot ( he's oblivious ) ) he was scared that it would end in, how to put it lightly? Murder.

"Who's Bunty? You've never mentioned her before. Is she your, you know..." Newts face flushed bright pink and he stopped in his tracks.

"No, no no, god no, we-were friends. She's my assistant. Friends." He stammered, fiddling with his fingers in his pockets. Tina let out an amused huff at the sight of the flustered man.

"Hmm. Yeah. Fiends."


They arrived at the door of Newts house. It was a quaint little house, located on a small suburban street not too far outside London.

"Let's get into the warm." Newt shivered, looking at Tina who was shaking from the chilly London breeze.

Once they were inside and had shut the the door behind them, Newt heard a faint crash coming from the kitchen. He whipped out his wand and quietly beckoned for Tina to follow. He peered round the corner, and noticed something small and black swinging on the switch for the lamp.

"Newt, is that the..."

"Baby niffler, yes, one of them. The others are probably round her somewhere."

Newt and Tina ran around the living room and kitchen, eventually gathering two of the nifflers and sending them down the stairs gently, before noticing the final niffler on a bottle of wine.

A stunned silence followed the cork stopper flying out with the force of the liquid, carrying the furry creature down into the basement.

"BUNTY!" Newt shouted, running down the stairs, "Bunty the baby nifflers are loose again."

Tina followed Newt down the stairs to reveal a ginormous basement with assorted animal enclosures scattered all over the place. Newt and Bunty worked together to catch the nifflers, whilst Tina wandered and looked around. Eventually, she found herself at the the edge of a water-filled enclosure. She was looking over the edge. She was content. It all happened so quickly, yet in slow motion.
She felt the air rushing past her, she saw the water coming closer and closer, and she screamed as she landed head first in freezing cold water.

"TINA!" Newt shouted, rushing to the edge of the enclosure he heard her scream from.

"N-Newt.." she spluttered, desperately trying to keep herself afloat yet constantly being dragged under by the artificial current.

"Who's Tina, Newt?!" Bunty asked, confusion apparent in her soft voice.

"Tell you later." he handed her his waistcoat. "Back in a jiffy." and he jumped into the water. The greenish tint of the dirty water made it even harder for Newt to find Tina. But he wasn't going to stop. He saw her falling slowly down to the bottom, her hair falling around her face and her limbs weak. She was drowning. He dived, water streaming past his body as he pushed with everything he had to get to Tina. Once he reached her, he grabbed her by the waist and dragged her up to the surface.

They moment they were above the water, both of them breathed heavy sighs of relief, their hair and clothes plastered to their skin and the crisp air stinging their cheeks with its chill. Neat let out an amused / relieved chuckle, and pushed Tinas hair out of her face. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, closing the gap.

Bunty watched this all unfold from upstairs. She put Newts waistcoat down and walked away, slumping against a wall and sliding down it to sit on the floor. A few tears left her eyes and she wiped her nose with her sleeve. Nothing ever turned out the way she had dreamed for it to.

Tina noticed that Bunty had walked away with her head hanging low. She felt the need to talk to her. Clear some things up. She seemed like an incredibly nice and intelligent woman, but it was obvious the really liked Newt. Really liked him. So she walked up the stairs and went and sat next to her.

"Hey, Bunty, are you ok?" she asked sweetly. Bunty looked up at her with teary, puffy eyes and a red nose.

"Well, no not really." she sighed.

"What's the matter?" Tina asked, adjusting her position to a more comfortable one.

"I guess, it's just I've always liked Newt, but he obviously really likes you. It's just ruined all my dreams. I was going to ask him. Today. And there's no chance now."

Tina started to tear up as well now. She felt a great deal of sympathy for Bunty. She had been through the same thing about 8 years ago. Put her off men altogether.

"It's ok though Tina. I'm happy for you. Besides, my friendship with Newt is much more important than whether I date him or not. All I really want is for Newt to be happy. And he obviously is with you."

Tina smiled, and Bunty made an effort to, and both girls hugged and laughed.

"I probably seem pathetic." Bunty said, sniffling. Tina chuckled.

"No you don't. I'd have done the same thing in your situation."

They both hugged each other again, and Newt watched from the Kelpie enclosure, in awe. Both women were crying over him. He walked over to them, and pulled them both in for a hug.

"You are both crybaby's." he chuckled. Tina gasped in mock-offence.

"Excuse you, Mr I-Wept-Like-A-Baby-Because-Queenie-Killed-A-Spider!" Tina smirked at him as he flushed bright red.

"The spider had a life to lead!"

i actually made an effort and wrote something w o w

also y'all remember the old version of this

chapter 4 holy f o k it's been a while 💀

also i changed me name to Raven because gender identity crisis

so imma demigirl lesbian called Raven

righty ho ta ta, stay safe and eat cookies because cookies are nice 😌

published 29th November 2020, 22:22
word count: 1133

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