No. 12: Playground

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Newt and Tina sat around the table eating breakfast.
"What do you wanna do today love?" Newt asked.
"Go somewhere maybe, like, a park?" Tina offered.
"There's a little park up the road called The London Commons disclaimer I made it up don't try looking for it XD we could go to?"
"Yes! Ok, I'll get dressed." Tina kissed Newts forehead before climbing the stairs.
She came back down wearing a white blouse, light blue k we length skirt and black shoes.
"You look... beautiful." Newt stuttered. Tina blushed slightly before punching him gently on the arm and saying:
"You don't look too bad yourself!" Then it was Newts turn to blush. He grabbed herb hand and they apparated to the park.
Within two seconds of being there, Newt has lost Tina.
"Tina! Tina! Where've you gone!?" he yelled as he walked through the park in search of his girlfriend.
Eventually he found her on the swings in the kids play park.
"Newt, sit!" She said, gesturing to the swing next to her. Newt sat down, and held her hand as they swung, enjoying every moment. Eventually they went home, after an enjoyable day in the park.


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Liv out!

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