No. 27: Burn

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Hamilton crossover :)

Newt cheats ( bad boi ) and Tina don't take it lightly. Inspired by the song Burn from Hamilton, I watched it on Disney +, it's fucking brilliant go watch it :)

I saved every letter you wrote to me
From the moment I read them
I knew you were mine
You said you were mine
I thought you were mine

Tina opened up the small, wooden box and the smell of fresh parchment and ink wafted out of it. She picked one of the letters up, and her eyes skimmed the first few words:

My dearest, Tina,

Now she knew that 'my dearest' meant nothing. For Newt had taken what she had handed him and thrown it all away. What would Phoenix and Ella say?

Do you know what Angelica said,
When we saw your first letter arrive?
She said, be careful with that one, love
He will do what it takes to survive

Queenie had warned her. As much as she had wanted them together, she had always said that he would do anything for other people. She didn't know that 'anything' literally meant 'anything'. 'Anything' meant cheating on your wife of almost 10 years. 'Anything' was bullshit.

You and your words flooded my senses
Your sentences left me defenseless
You built me palaces out of paragraphs
You built cathedrals

And when she had felt alone she had re-read those letters, Newts writing building her a comfortable world in which it was only them, and their two kids, with only blue sky's and rainbows in front of them.

I'm re-reading the letters you wrote to me
I'm searching and scanning for answers in every line
For some kind of sign
And when you were mine
The world seemed to burn

She struck a match, and the yellow flame taunted her. It told her she was wrong to ever trust him. She held the letter she had in her hand up to the light and set it alight, the paper turning crisp and dull in her hand. And she watched. Watched as his words turned to ashes, and watched as the anger she had within her was unleashed upon the only physical memories she had of him.

You published the letters she wrote you
You told the whole world
How you brought this girl into our bed
In clearing your name
You have ruined our lives

He told everyone about his 'mistress'. About how he had 'risked it all' to 'help' this woman in need. But Tina didn't care if he had 'risked it all' for this woman. He swore to 'risk it all' for his wife. And he'd taken his wedding vows and thrown them away, just like any remains of a healthy marriage.

Do you know what Angelica said
When she read what you'd done?
She said, you've married an Icarus
He has flown too close to the sun

Queenie had been enraged when she heard of what he had done. She had comforted Tina, rubbed her back as she sobbed into her shoulder, reassuring her that everything was going to be okay, and that he was in the wrong and that she had married an idiot.

You and your words obsessed with your legacy
Your sentences border on senseless
And you are paranoid in every paragraph
How they perceive you
You, you, you!

Newt, too obsessed with 'doing what was right'. Newt, too preoccupied to look after his wife and kids. Newt, too selfless to care if it ruined his life.

I'm erasing myself from the narrative
Let future historians wonder how
When you broke her heart
You have torn it all apart
I'm watching it burn
Watching it burn

She was going to let the world see her reaction. She was going to look him in the eye, hold up the remains of his letters and walk away. She was going to call him 'Mr Scamander', she was going to go and live with her sister. Let the world take its pick on who's side they all take. She knows he's in the wrong. So she lights all the letters on fire, watching the beautiful flame, so small yet so dangerous, tear apart all of his comforts, his compliments, his news, good or bad. And she smiled slightly in the dark of the night, looking at the flame engulf the love they had shared. 'Good riddance'.

The world has no right to my heart
The world has no place in our bed
They don't get to know what I said
I'm burning the memories
Burning the letters that might have redeemed you

She watched and watched, and he walked in, he hugged her but she pushed him off and glared, her face only visible by the eerie glow of the flame.

You forfeit all rights to my heart
You forfeit the place in our bed
You'll sleep in your office instead
With only the memories of when
you were mine

And he cried. Tears left his eyes as she stood up, picking up the bucket of ashes and taking them with her. He grabbed her hand. Begged her to stay, begged her for one last chance. Tried to make her see his side of the equation. But she had made up her mind. She walked to the door and opened it. She stepped out into the cold air and slammed the door shut behind her forcefully.

I hope that you burn

Y'all crying cause I'm definitely not nope ...



Phillip is so cute he didn't deserve his fate.

What's y'all favourite songs, I like Burn, Helpless and Wait For It :)

I can't be the only one who ( IF Alex didn't cheat ) actually ships Eliza and Alex as in it CANT only be me

Right I'm rambling now, remember, wash you hands, BLM, trans life's matter, LGBTQ+ people are valid ( that's me dudes :) ), and buh bye

Published on 7 July 2020 ( we're over halfway through folks! )

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