Chapter 5

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I quickly handed over the file to our French teacher. She is huge like the principal in the story of Matilda written by Roald Dahl. She has red hair and gold coloured skin. Her skin complex suits her hair. But she looked like a mean and strict teacher. Well, who knows how she is like to be precise since I just came in.

After observing the French teacher from top to bottom, I scanned the classroom to check where any free desks are located in the classroom and saw that there is one only free desk available. I felt lucky because I thought there were plenty of desks available since there are so many subjects taught in the school and the students are only supposed to learn six subjects out of them.

Oh no. I thought once I really scanned my sitting location. I felt like switching classes because the only desk available is in front of the guy who called me a potato head. I sighed and decided to sit down and pretend that I did not notice him at all. So I tried my level best not to look at the guy when I go and then I sat down quietly making sure that I do not make any noise to attract him.

Just after I sat down I felt a kick behind my chair. So I turned around to see that the guy who called me potato head, staring right into my eyes.

“Hey kiddo. Are you new in school? Never seen you before. What's your name?” said the guy sitting behind me.

“What do you want?” I asked him in a cold, very rude tone.

“What now moody?” He asked me in a sarcastic tone which made me feel like that I should rip his head into pieces right now and pore kerosene oil or some other highly flammable oil and burn it so it will turn into ashes.

“Hello! Earth to you, girl.” I heard him saying while I was drifting away in my thoughts.

Just then the French Class teacher walked into the class with three janitor like looking guys coming behind her. She indicated them to keep the things they brought along and shooed them away without even saying thank you.

“All right people, settle down. Welcome to your new French class. I heard that you've never had any French class before. So, well, I'm Mrs. Kennedy your new and first French teacher. Today I will give you the introduction and the base to French as a language. Let's start with the alphabet and the articles in French.”

“You my boy,” she said, pointing at a guy in the front row. “Get up and distribute these books to the class. Better be quick.” said Mrs. Kennedy.

Mrs. Kennedy pointed out to a pile of books which was kept by a janitor on a wooden chair by the side of the teacher's table. Then she picked up a paper bundle and started to distribute it among the students.

Again the guy sitting behind my seat kicked at me making me look again.

“What?” I asked from him, giving him the look saying you are so annoying. Please leave me alone.

Fortunately, before he could answer Mrs. Kennedy came to hand over his paper set. I tried to turn back to get my paper set after she gave his paper set.

“I hope you two won't do this as a habit. I prefer my students to concentrate during the class period. And Cassidy I think this will be the easiest subject to catch up with since you are learning things from the beginning.” said Mrs. Kennedy and handed over Cassidy's bundle of papers.

“So it's Cassidy is it. Nice name. By the way I'm Luke. Luke Gambles.” said Luke smirking at me and then he opened his nook which was given to him by the guy in the front row in between our conversation.

I turned around and went through the table of content in the new French Book we were given. Okay. I guess my knowledge might be okay after all, even though I was really bad at it in the previous school I went. Well, they are just starting French in here. Lucky me! At least now I can try to score grades and get an A+ in this school.

So we finally started to learn the alphabet and then moved to start the articles. Today we did 'le', 'la' and 'les'. And then Mrs. Kennedy gave us homework just as the bell rang. I tried to walk out fast, but Luke caught up with me.

“Trying to run away from me? Not that fast Cass. So what are the subjects you are doing?” Luke asked from me.

“Well, um. The other subjects picked are Biology, Literature, Computer science or IT or whatever you call it, Economics and Statistics.” I replied.

“Wow! So I guess I'll be not just sticking with the pretty lady in the French class. What's the next period you have?”

“I have Biology now. DO you know where the Bio lab is?” I asked because I was afraid of getting late to class on my first day to school.

“Here, let me show you. So what do you think about this new French teacher? I didn't understand a single thing she taught about articles.”

“Seriously? It's kind of easy. I understood everything she taught.” I replied.

“Well, maybe you have learnt French before. But I'm new to French. You know I'm like an alien to French. Maybe you can teach me during a free period or maybe during one of the intervals. After all I have to complete the homework before tomorrow as well.” replied Luke.

“All right. I will teach you after Biology class. We have a short interval right?” I replied and went inside the Biology lab to see another Luke sitting in inside.

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