Chapter 13

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For whole one and a half periods, they learnt about computer programming. And the theory part became very boring for the entire class excluding the nerds.

Why do we have to learn theory? I mean, who cares about computer language's history. And if we are not learning assembly language and all, why studying about it. Thought Cassidy while listening and copying down notes.

“Okay, everyone.” said the teacher after the end of the lesson.

Everyone raised their heads and kept their pencils on their books, excluding the weird guy. Silence swept the whole classroom.

“It includes you, sir.” said the teacher pointing at the weird guy.

Why does he have to be so weird? I guess he always has been annoying to everyone, not just me. Look at his untidy shirt! I don't think he ever irons his shirt. Cassidy thought while examining the guy.

“Look, mister. Am I the teacher or are you the teacher?” asked the teacher from the weird guy.

The weird guy kept on staring at the teacher and his face was blank like a piece of sheet or cloth with no prints on it at all.

“Learn to get up when you are asked a question Mr. Ferald.” said the teacher bursting out filed with anger in his tone. Ferald stood up but did not reply. He just kept on staring at the teacher.

“From here onwards you have to pay attention. UNDERSTOOD?” asked the teacher in a very loud and angry tone.

Ferald still kept on staring at the teacher's face as he was deaf and like nothing has happened in the class at all.

“Did you understand Mr. Ferald?” asked the teacher again.

“Yea... yes, sir.” replied Ferald as if he was confused.

“What's wrong with your shirt?” asked the teacher suddenly noticing it.

“Nothing, sir.” replied Ferald after looking down at his shirt.

“Why is it crumpled up? I noticed it several days.” said the computer literacy teacher.

“Well, sir...” said Ferald and quickly brushed his hands as if he is ironing and smoothed his shirt a bit with utter failure.

“No iron at home or no electricity supply?” asked the teacher harshly.

“N... nothing like that, sir.” replied Ferald still staring at the computer literacy teacher, Mr. Brown.

“Then too lazy to iron?” asked Mr. Brown screaming at him. “Next time I want you to have a neatly done shirt tucked down properly. Understood?”

“Okay, sir.” replied Ferald and got himself seated again.

“So, where was I?” asked Mr. Brown rhetorically and then clasped his hands while looking down at the floor.

“”Right. I have two assessments sign up for you this time. The first one is an essay on computer languages.” said Mr. Brown and got interrupted as someone raised their hand.

“Is it individual or group sir?” asked the guy when he was given the opportunity to speak up.

“The first one is individual and I need it by tomorrow. All agreed?” asked the teacher.

How come no one is raising their hands up for approval? I guess then I should also not raise my hands up. Thought Cassidy while examining the classroom.

“So, agreed.” said Mr. Brown, looking around the class. “Now, the second assessment is to make a simple program which of course is done as pairs.”

Ferald stood up suddenly and picked up his books hurriedly.

“What do you think you're doing Ferald? You are disturbing the whole class. Sit down.” said Mr. Brown, while fiddling his pair of glasses.

“Emergency sir.” said Ferald and quickly grabbed his bag.

“Where are you going in the middle of the period?” asked the teacher angrily.

“Meeting, sir.” replied Ferald and walked out of the classroom without waiting for permission.

Mr. Brown felt helpless in this situation. But he decided to warn the other student's against such bad behaviour, especially during his period.

“If anyone of you behave like him you will be kicked out of the class forever. UNDERSTOOD?” asked Mr. Brown still boiling with anger.

Everyone nodded their heads to show that they all understood and approved the new rule set today.

“Back to work then. You can work in usual pairs then. But I guess we can't put the new girl with Ferald. So, who wants to work with her and guide her?” asked Mr. Brown.

Quickly some hands shot up. Mr. Brown, the computer literacy teacher observed the room to check who volunteered.

“Okay, then it's Luke.” replied the teacher.

A hand raised up high in the air to get the attention from Mr. Brown.

“Yes, Rosie. What's your question?” asked Mr. Brown.

“Who am I going to work with then? I always worked with Luke.” replied Rosie.

“Well, for a while, you will have to work with Ferald.” replied Mr. Brown.

“But he always works alone,” replied Rosie showing her strong disapproval of Cassidy being paired up to work with Luke.

“Well, either you work with Ferald or do the assessment alone. Cassidy needs a guide for her first assessment since she's new to the system.” replied the teacher. And then Mr. Brown turned towards to face the whole class. “You can take the rest of the period to decide your project.”

All the pairs got together to discuss their projects and Luke came to sit beside Cassidy which is Ferald's seat.

“Are you sure about this?” asked Cassidy hesitating his actions.

“Sure about what, Cass?” asked Luke turning so that he can see Cassidy properly.

“You know, working with me instead of Rosie.” replied Cassidy.

“Positive.” replied Luke, giving her a wide smile and a thumbs up.

“She looks like boiling with anger, though.” replied Cassidy while observing Rosie.

“She deserved that.” replied Luke.

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