Chapter 8

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I took out my school plan and did a quick examination of all the classrooms. Wow, that was easy. It's not that hard to find the English Literature room. It's a bit weird in shape. The other rooms are all squares. But this is more like a rectangle.

Cassidy started to increase, her speed of pace because all ready the bell has rung. But the walk from the sitting area to the English Literature room would only take a maximum of three minutes.

Cassidy stopped in front of a door. The door was shut close. Oh no! I'm late on my first day itself. But I have to somehow go in. Cassidy then took a deep breath to calm herself down and exhaled out giving out a small sound. She again took a deep breath and went in.

“Good morning, miss. Are you sure you are in my class?” asked a middle aged man.

“I... I think so.” Cassidy said, trembling as she was doubting whether her eyes have deceived her.

“Why? Don't you know what class you have to go? Please, don't pull those pranks on me again. I'm fed up of it.” replied the teacher.

“Well, sir, I'm new to this school. I'm supposed to be in the English Literature class right now.” replied Cassidy with a feeling of fear over throwing inside her mind.

“Then, you have come to the correct class. I'm Mr. Brown. May I have the slip?” asked the English Literature teacher.

“Here, sir.” said Cassidy and handed over the slip.

“Well, there is only one seat vacant for now. Here's the textbook and this is the list of books we will be studying.” said Mr. Brown.

Cassidy went down and sat in her place which is next to a guy. He looked so unfriendly and reserved manner type guy. Cassidy only figured that out because while everyone one was chatting with each other, he is only staying silent without speaking to anyone.

“All right now, please be silent. I need all the assignments to be handed over right now and we will discuss the main details now.” said Mr. Brown and went around collecting a booklet that everyone has made for the assignment.

OK. This guy must be a freak. His booklet is so thick comparing to other booklets. Wonder what he wrote so much. And a guy to do so much for a homework? It's so impossible.

“Okay, now. Since everyone has finished their homework, I guess it's useless to ask this question I was going to ask. Let's see.” said Mr. Brown and pointed at Cassidy. “Why don't you answer? First of all, what's your name?”

“Cassidy, sir. My name is Cassidy.” replied Cassidy which sounded as she is nervous or scared or maybe both.

“Well, Cassidy, why don't you tell me two themes you know that is the back Sense and Sensibility. I hope you know the author.” said Mr. Brown.

“Well, sir, it was written by Jane Austen. And the themes. Well, th... there is wealth and money in it.” said Cassidy about to start to sweat.

“Go on. So far correct.” said Mr. Brown approving the two answers she gave.

“Um... there is love and affection in it.” said Cassidy. But she felt stiff, scared thinking that he might ask more.

“Good. Looks like you have at least a little knowledge about Sense and Sensibility novel. So now I want you'll to stay as you are in pairs and work on the characters in the first chapter. It's team work, OKAY.” said Mr. Brown and he walked to the teacher's table and started to mark the assignments.

“Hmummm... Hmummm...” Cassidy made a sound as if she's clearing her throat. “Hi. I'm Cassidy. Are you going to be my partner?” asked Cassidy even though she felt very awkward.

“Hmm. Supposed to be.” replied the guy sitting next to her.

Some minutes passed between them with awkward silence between each other. Cassidy looked around and saw that all other pairs are working together,

“So, that hint must have been for him.” said Cassidy out loud enough for the guy sitting next to her to hear.

“Excuse me. What did you say?” asked the guy with an angry tone, but in a rude manner.

“Sorry if I disturbed you. I was just thinking a bit loud, I guess.” replied Cassidy and started to flip the pages of the textbook pretending that she is busy going through it.

“Hello! Mr. Brown gave the question from the Sense and Sensibility novel, not from the textbook.” said the guy looking at her and shook his head in a manner which conveyed the message as if he is asking 'are you mad?' from her.

“I know that.” replied Cassidy shortly and went back to look at the textbook.

“Then why are you going through it?” asked the guy and pushed aside his books.

“Well, I don't have the novel with me. And the guy sitting next time was so kind enough, so he shared the novel with me.” replied Cassidy at the end ironically.

“Okay. You should have just asked me.” replied the guy and he kept the book on Cassidy's share on the table.

“Thank you. Well, you looked annoyed with me at first. So that's why I didn't ask. What's your name by the way?” Cassidy asked, sounding as if she is so interested to get to know him.

“I'm Guy. I like your name by the way.” replied Guy.

“I asked what's your name. Of course I know that you are a guy. My five sense organs are still working.” replied Cassidy a bit harshly.

“What I meant was that my NAME is Guy. I know that it's weird. I can't help it that my name is weird like me.” replied Guy.

Guy's face was hanging out down filled with sorrow in his eyes. Cassidy felt so sorry for him.

“No. Your name is not weird. It's just when you say I'm Guy, we think that you are not telling your name, but just saying that you are a guy. You know boy, guy.” replied Cassidy.

“So... Cassidy, will you mind doing the assignment with me?” asked Guy from Cassidy with a concerned look.

“Sure, why wouldn't I?” asked Cassidy from Guy.

“It's just that no one likes to do assignments or anything with me. I'm like the so weird guy in the school who is cornered away from everyone.” replied Guy.

“I think you're cool enough. But there are some areas which you have to work on. Anyway, so let's start with the assignment.” said Cassidy and took out her notebook and opened it to write down.

“So are we friends?” asked Guy.

“Yeah. As long as you don't do bad stuff and betray me. Trust and loyalty are the major parts of it. No back stabbing as well.” replied Cassidy and smiled at Guy.

“Sure thing then. I just wish that we can stay as friends until we die.” replied Guy.

“So, I will jot down the points that comes to my head and you jot down the points that get into your head,” said Cassidy and got interrupted as Guy raised his finger to indicate that there is a problem.

“I thought it was a pair work. Not individual work!” said Guy sounding a bit disappointed.

“Well, I thought that after finding the points separately, to discuss it and add both ideas together and improve it. I thought it might be more effective. You know.” replied Cassidy.

“Wow, Cassidy! You are a genius! It sure will work.” exclaimed Guy happily.

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