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"TEN MINUTES!!" eleanor heard her brother scream from outside her bedroom door for the hundredth time in this afternoon.

he had been informing his entire family where and exactly how much time it would be until his friends would be entering their home ever since they had gotten back from school. to her... it really seemed as the pair had switched personalities in the past twenty four hours.

will had accommodated the aspects of completely losing his mind with nervousness and eleanor had actually found herself calming down since her stressful few weeks. she couldn't help but to be at least slightly excited for their guests to arrive to their home.

as she was just finishing setting and cleaning up her room, she was interrupted by a small knock. figuring it was brother ready to inform her with yet another time stamp, she flung open her bedroom door dramatically. however instead of being met with her sibling's tall figure... she was met with a bright pair of striking ocean eyes.

"oh my god! it's you!" the redhead exclaimed before tacking the small girl with an infectious hug, "i'm really sorry for just coming in, but i really couldn't stand spending even another second surround by those nerds in that god awful car... oh i'm max by the way, i've heard a lot about you." 

eleanor giggled, quite intrigued at the girls tough personality, "i'm eleanor but you can call me el... for short."

"i know," the redhead smirked before entering the room, shutting the door behind her and walking over to plop herself down on eleanor's bed.

eleanor followed, comfortably laying down next the teenager, "so... are the others here?" she asked timidly, knowing the answer was obvious but wanting to break the silence.

"oh yea. they were outside talking to will and your mom when i made a run for it. you can go meet them if you want... but i wouldn't get your hopes up too high. dustin isn't exciting in the least bit and mike is just a douchebag."

"well... what about lucas?" she quietly questioned, knowing the pair was in fact an item. she thought she would at least have something nice to say about him.

"oh he's been getting on my nerves this entire week about the most ridiculous things. AND THEN the drive over here he was just... ugh never mind... it doesn't matter." the redhead responded, slightly working herself up.

eleanor sat up, looking down at her newly found friend before countering, "do you guys fight a lot?"

"no. i mean... he just says stupid shit on accident that pisses me off. sometimes purposely... but most of the time by accident. i love the kid tho... as annoying as he is." she trailed off, playing with a piece of her hair. before eleanor could respond she sat up abruptly, "alright enough about my mushy feelings about my not so bright boyfriend. we should probably go say hi, i know the boys would upset if i just kept you all to myself this weekend."

"they would be?" eleanor squeaked, cursing her brother for lying to her saying it was mostly just max who wanted to meet her.

"well of course! they wouldn't shut up about it. it's like you're a fucking unicorn or something, they really can't wrap their small brains around the fact that will has a sister our age. don't be too flattered tho... they aren't the most attractive boys you'll ever meet." max informed her.

both the girls bursted into a fit of laughter,  making their way out of her small bedroom and down the hall to the living room. when they realized the boys were not even inside yet, they decided to join them in the afternoon air.

"well well... look who it is. thanks for leaving us out here to get all your stuff by the way." a small curly headed boy remarked while pulling a very large backpack next to him.

"oh shut up dustin. i know you're happy just to have a second away from me."

"anyways... i didn't mean to be rude." the curly headed boy said walking up to the pair, "i'm dustin henderson. pleased to meet you eleanor." he greeted while sticking his free hand out.

"you can just call me el." eleanor smiled, politely shaking his hand to return the gesture.

"yea, no need to be weird dustin." another voice countered walking up to them. the boy smiled before continuing, "i'm lucas, don't be too creeped out by him. i promise i'll try to keep him far away from you guys." he informed sarcastically, winking at max.

"okay okay smart mouth. there's no reason to suck up." his girlfriend rolled her eyes.

"where's will?" eleanor interrupted, trying not to sound too rude but wanting her brother to come join her soon.

"oh him, your mom and mike have been talking literally non stop for the past twenty minutes. they're over there getting the rest of the things outta the car." dustin pointed the the back of the seemly new dark grey jeep parked in their driveway. the trunk of the vechicle was then slammed shut, followed by a shuffling of feet before she saw her mother and brother come into view. not too long after, that's when she saw him.

he closed the back side door before making his way up to the cottage behind joyce and will. he was tall, very tall actually compared to eleanor. his dark raven curls bounced as he tried to keep up with her family. the boy could feel her intense stare on him and deciding to be bold... he made eye contact with her, smiling as he approached the group.

"hey el, i'm mike," the boy introduced himself as if he had known eleanor for ages. as he got closer to her, she could see hundreds of small freckles scattered across his nose. she shook her head and smiled, figuring he probably thought it was weird that she was just starting at him.

"so uh... inside?" will said as he stood struggling with what eleanor could assume to be max's bags.

again eleanor didn't speak, she simply turned around, holding the door open for everyone to enter. max was the last to come through the door, stopping to lean over to whisper into eleanor's ear. "i'm guessing you liked what you saw?" she giggled before pulling eleanor inside with her.

it was going to be a LONG weekend.


a/n: thanks for reading!!

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