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*trigger warning*
some sensitive topics will be briefly discussed or hinted. this includes shy mentions of abuse and ptsd.

"i promise it's safe and perfectly legal. i did my research before we left, now if you guys would excuse me... i have to get my things." dustin informed as he opened the passenger door.

the curly headed boy had somehow convinced everyone at dinner that he had the most extravagant plan for them tonight. however, even though the hawkins boy had never been to indianapolis before... he refused to give any information on what this said "plan" was. he only informed the group that whatever he had in mind had gotten the approval of joyce and that mike had to drive them there.

so there the party sat, mike and dustin in the front seats and eleanor, max, lucas and will all shoved in the back; parked in the middle of no where... in the dark... looking up at a huge grass hill.

"well... come on now. we have quite the walk." dustin remarked as he threw his very large backpack over his shoulders and started up the hill.

"he's fucking insane. i can't be the only one that's thinking that right now, right?" max complained.

"i mean... the boy said he did his research." her boyfriend replied nonchalantly, which only earned him an eye roll and an aggressive nudge on the shoulder.

mike quickly turned off the car and everyone slowly started to move out of his dark colored jeep, following their friend into the night. before eleanor could register anyone's movements, mike had already turned around and opened the door for her. she smiled at him as he stuck his hand out to help her out of the lifted vehicle.

"wow such a gentleman. thanks for helping us out too, mikey." max complained again as she slid out the other side of the car. the freckle faced boy didn't say anything back, he only focused on the small girl in front of him.

"you okay?" he asked her softly.

eleanor only nodded. even though the group had already been together for a few hours now, she still hadn't gotten the courage to verbally say anything to him yet. she couldn't really understand why either, to her he was just a boy... well actually a very cute boy in her opinion.

however, eleanor had seen and spoken to a few boys she thought were cute before. so she couldn't understand why whenever he tried to speak to her, it seemed like her whole entire body would simply just... freeze.

"alright... well um... we should go." he said gently, to which again she only nodded. mike locked his car and followed next to her as they trailed slowly behind the group and up the hill.

"here we are!! in just enough time too." dustin proudly announced looking down at his watch.

"wow um... more grass?" lucas questioned quite confused.

"seriously dustin? what are we doing here?" max futher questioned, folding her arms close to her chest.

"both of you guys are such mood killers." dustin replied as he dropped his large backpack to the ground. the boy suddenly started to pull out blankets and long pieces of medal from his choice of luggage, everyone taking a moment to simply stare in shock at him.

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