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*one week later*

mike wheeler ⭐️


helloooo mikeyyy
how are youu ☺️

i'm doing good.
very tired.
but good.
someone seems to be ina very happy mood.

really how can you tell? ☺️

well first you called me mikey which is new.
but i can feel it.
your energy is radiating through the phone.
it's thursday, why are you so happy?

um can i not be happy on a thursday?

thursdays are boring.
thursdays just mean more school.
thursdays are basically cockblocks to the end of the week.

omg mikey 😳
watch your language
and you have no reason to just step on thursdays like that
why are you so grumpy today? you were so happy yesterday

i'm bored.
and tiredddd. 😔
and i have a test next period.
plus max and lucas were being super gross today during lunch... that just added to my terrible day.
i hate thursdays.
thursdays suck.

bro stop trashing thursdays
how were they being gross?

oof now you just called me bro.
that just made my day worse. 😞
they were being all happy and lovey cause it's their anniversary.
makes me sick.
they've been dating for too long.

but i call everyone bro... why can't i call you bro?
awe that's so cute 🥺
let them be happy
it's rare to see them getting along

cause i don't like it.
it's weird.
and that's very true... but idk what i prefer more.
them arguing or them being... gross.

why not? 🤔
excuse me sir, love isn't gross
it's cuteee

you ask too many questions eleanor. 😌
it's gross when they keep kissing and touching each other every 20 seconds while i'm tryna eat my food.

and you're avoiding my questions michael 😌
ok that's a lil gross
i would never thought they'd be into pda

am i?
i didn't notice.
oh trust me...
it gets nasty.
try walking in on them.
i almost had to burn my eyes out that day.

your attitude really isn't appreciated
ew stop talking about it
i don't wanna know any details

my attitude wasn't trying to be appreciated.
are you sure?
i mean i can tell you.
i've sadly seen more than i wanna admit.

with the attitude and talking bout max and lucas's nasty moments

okay just break my heart. 🥺
you're kinda cute when you're mad.
so small and full of rage.

you made me feel bad, flattered and angry again all in just a few texts
idrk how i feel about it

i'm diverse like that.
you should feel special. 😊
i don't give attitude to just anyone.

hm, so have we surpassed the phase where you're overly nice to me?
i mean even though you have given me attitude a few times this past week
am i finally worthy of your tough love?

yes ma'am.
wait overly nice to you?
did you not like me being nice to you?

i didn't say i didn't like it
max would just tell me how rude you actually were and i couldn't tell cause you know...
you were really nice to me when you guys were here
too nice 🤨

ok... max is the rude one not me.
in my defense i thought you hated me at first.
i felt like i had to try my hardest to make you like me.
also i'm pretty sure will would have kicked my ass if i wasn't nice to you.

why did you think i hated you?

cause you didn't talk to me at first.
well you didn't willingly talk to me.
but you talked fine to everyone else.

idrk why i couldn't talk to you
ig you just made me nervous

i made you nervous?

well yea...
you're my brother's best friend
ik everyone else is like important but idk
you're the most important

is that all? 🤔

wym is that all? 😳

like is that the only reason i made you nervous?

are you fishing for compliments mikey? 🙄
that's not very attractive

psh what?
i have no idea what you're talking about.

mhmmm sureee
keep telling yourself that

if it makes you feel better you made me nervous too.
and not just cause you're will's sister.
even though that was part of it.
everyone was a little nervous because of that.

well then what else made you nervous?
they were?

is it my turn to bro you? 😒
cause i thought you were cute smart one.
how many times do i have to say it?
and yes they were.
everyone wanted you to like them.

we are back to the attitude
in that case you THOUGHT i was cute? 🤔

you are cute.
i just said it a few texts ago.
you're just soaking up my compliments today huh?
and i'm getting none in return. 😔

well you insulted me right after you said that too
a FeW tExTs AgO
i didn't know if you actually meant it


okay okay
i'm being annoying
but you are very cute yourself mikey ☺️
happy now?

you had to add the mikey in there.
but i'll accept the compliment. 😊
i am very happy.

good cause i'm not giving anymore
i hope that made your "terrible thursday" a lot better ☺️

ouch now look who's giving attitude.
but it did.
thanks for being so concerned.
i still hate thursdays though.

thursdays are my favorite day

just cause they're my least favorite?

yes that's exactly why
i only like them cause they bother you ☺️

of course you do.
ugh i have take this stupid test. 😒
i'll text you when i'm done.

ok good luck
even though you probably don't need it since you're smart and ik you'll do great
bye mike

bye el. ❤️


a/n: thanks sm for reading. see ya soon.

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